Category Archives: MSM
Before the Senate, Tom Cotton never held a job longer than a few months
Before the Senate, Tom Cotton never held a job longer than a few months “Moreover, we have to stand up to Iran’s attempts to drive for regional dominance. They already control Tehran …. ” — Sen. Tom Cotton Before getting elected … Continue reading
Who Owns the Media?
Who Owns the Media? Massive corporations dominate the U.S. media landscape. Through a history of mergers and acquisitions, these companies have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and read. David vs Goliath Truth Is Our CountryBy Paul … Continue reading
CNN Beating Drums of War Against Russia
CNN Beating Drums of War against Russia Post Categories: Head Stories Paul Craig Roberts | Monday, March 16, 2015, 19:40 Beijing Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printShare on gmailShare on pinterest_shareShare on favoritesMore Sharing Services0Print President George … Continue reading
Congress Moves To Outlaw the Alternative Media
Congress Moves To Outlaw the Alternative Media 25Sep, 2013by Dave Hodges Print this articleFont size –16+ The alternative media is having a dramatic impact on the worldview of the country, so much so, that the US Senate is legislating against the only … Continue reading
Rolling Stone loses it with O’Reilly
Rolling Stone loses it with O’Reilly “A good rule of callout culture is to never target someone for the same things you do. No adulterer is more insufferable, after all, than the fire-and-brimstone minister. But when NBC anchor Brian … Continue reading
Our Embarrassing, Servile Media: Does the New York Times Just Print Everything the Gov’t Tells It?
Our Embarrassing, Servile Media: Does the New York Times Just Print Everything the Gov’t Tells It? Post Categories: Israel PATRICK L. SMITH | Friday, February 27, 2015, 11:15 Beijing The paper of record is carrying Washington’s water in its Ukraine … Continue reading
Over 800 FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: The US Already A Totalitarian Police State
Over 800 FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: The US Already A Totalitarian Police State Post Categories: Canada AngelBabe43 | Thursday, March 5, 2015, 11:08 Beijing A related article on the posted article: False Flags, Secret Prisons, Media Censorship, The Rounding Up of … Continue reading