Category Archives: WHISTLE-BLOWERS
Operation Jade Helm: Special Forces ‘Realistic Military Training’ In Seven Southwestern States Prompts Martial Law Fears
Operation Jade Helm: Special Forces ‘Realistic Military Training’ In Seven Southwestern States Prompts Martial Law Fears image:×385.jpg Operation Jade Helm involves 1,2000 special forces team members being dropped into seven southwestern states as a part of realistic military training … Continue reading
41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground
41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground | US news | The Guardian 41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground New … Continue reading
Frontline’s American Terrorist and US of Secrets: Highly Recommended
After Edward Snowden, the U.S. government said its controversial surveillance programs had stopped a terrorist. That terrorist was David Coleman Headley — who played a key role in planning the 2008 siege on Mumbai that killed 166 people, including six … Continue reading
More U.S. Police Proto-Fascism
“This isn’t over” On April 9, San Bernardino sheriff’s deputies were caught on video by a news chopper beating up out of Francis Jared Pusok, who fled on a horse that kicked a deputy. (Pusok’s attorney says the deputies were … Continue reading
Samples of US and Canadian Indigenous Radio and Issues
Mitakuye Oyasin “Mitakuye Oyasin” Radio Show KBOO 90.7 FM Portland, OR mitakuye oyasin 09-23-2010 mitakuye oyasin 09-30-2010 mitakuye oyasin 10-07-2010 mitakuye oyasin 10-15-2010 mitakuye oyasin 10-22-2010 Songs Written and Performed by Jim Page Heroes and Survivors Columbus … Continue reading
Poland outraged by FBI director’s Holocaust remarks
Poland outraged by FBI director’s Holocaust remarks Poland has demanded an apology for FBI Director James Comey’s allusion in a Washington Post op-ed to Poles who collaborated with Germans in carrying out the Holocaust, CBS News reports. Comey said, “In their … Continue reading
Former Republican Says No One Who Voted For the Iraq War Should be President Including Hillary Clinton What is Hillary Clinton hoping you’ll forget? Her vote to authorize the Iraq war. – April 13, 2015, 11:09 – AMAs the 2016 Republican presidential aspirants assess the best way to confront Hillary Clinton as the Democratic front … Continue reading