STTPML Message, Thank You and Simple Request to Some Readers: Please Visit as You Would Want to Be Visited by Us

A Message and Respectful Thank You and Request to Our Readers and Supporters From the STTPML Collective



STTPML an acronym for “So That The Peoples May Live”, the First and fundamental mandate of all dimensions of traditional Indigenous societies, is a collective of Indigenous veterans of various branches of the U.S. military during various Eras from the early 1960s to the present, and some who were in various branches of the U.S. Government, who have known and worked with each other for years. We are trying to understand, learn from and pass on the lessons and tools we learned from our own experiences in the military or government as well as post-military or government service and apply them to the critical issues and struggles of our times of unparalleled threats to even human existence globally.


We stand against terrorism, exploitation and oppression no matter what form,  by whom, against whom, in the name of whom or what cause. Terrorism is the intended and calculated, or highly probable, or depraved indifference to, any form of violence or coercion against undefended and non-combatants, innocents, combatants that are no longer a threat, whether in a “Just War” defensible by international law or not. And as veterans, as well as Indigenous people  with grass-roots connections in Indian Country, we have seen and still see, and we pass some of it on this site, what U.S. state-sponsored terrorism, at “home” and globally, from the “meta” to the “granular in NSA-speak, with no masks, with no “sugar-coated bullets, really looks, smells, tastes, sounds, feels in the soul for oneself, but far more importantly, for all the innocents without an idea of what was coming, no way to get out and no means to resist.


We are all Indigenous in how and where in the past and present we have lived; we reject the notion of “blood-quantum” as biologically nonsense and worse, as well as an instrument of genocide with which we are very familiar.


All of us have past and present deep roots in Indian Country and were born and/or raised and lived extensively on various Rezes, as well as in urban Indian Country and we are guided by the spirit of Chief Lame Deer of the Lakota:

You can tell a real Red Indian by how he [or she] lives his [or her life]; not by blood percentage. Chief Lame Deer


“Set the blood-quantum at one quarter; hold to it as a rigid definition of Indians, let inter-marriage proceed and Indians will be defined out of existence. When that happens, the Federal Government will finally be freed from the persistent Indian problem.” (Adolf Eichmann? He could have written it, but no, it is  from an internal classified  BIA document quoted in The American West: Legacy of Conquest by Patricia Lamarck, p, 338)

We are also guided by the spirit of “Mitakuye Oyasin” (in Lakota) or “Ni Kso Ko Wa” (Blackfoot) that means “We are all related” or “All my relations”. We do not see linear, isolated,  chains of events over some friction-free Newtonian absolute time and space; but rather webs of interrelationships and balance/imbalance over various levels and dimensions of space-time as well as absolute time and space.

The notions of “macro” and “micro”, far and near, quick and protracted, tactical and strategic, here and far away, are all culturally relevant even critical, as the U.S. Imperium continues to learn through repeated  blowbacks, paid for with the blood of so many innocents. That is why we have a hard time talking about the weather and Jerry Springer, MMA, football, etc; sort of like listening to and singing along with Nazi marching songs, snacking on a bacon cheeseburger, while on a church tour of Auschwitz.


That is why we feature articles from diverse perspectives on diverse issues all over the world. And that is why no one can conclude that we have some central ideology (we don’t) or central leadership (we don’t).; nor that inclusion of any work is an endorsement of that author or organization. All here have an equal voice, vote and right to challenge; our only authority is the quality of the law, reason, evidence, facts and purposes and intentions of the material or arguments being advanced for consideration.

We want to hear from those who disagree with us or one of the author’s we present, because we do not claim truth only various positions we are willing and eager to test with evidence, reason, law, documents, critical thinking from which we learn and apply a great deal. In our collective, we have very diverse opinions, paradigms and expressions of Spirituality (which we define as being guided and energized by the spirit of something beyond oneself and one’s own selfishness; atheists can be highly spiritual while professed theists can be a-spiritual only into themselves).

As Marx put–Groucho ( Who said: “I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member”) and  Karl–put it, in a letter to Arnold Ruge in 1843 answering the demand that the group be more utopian to better sell the promises of socialism to the masses, as religion does with heaven; Marx argued that the people in the present cannot imagine, let alone presume to construct, what the future would look like in an unspecified country, at an unspecified time and place with unspecified conditions–and even then:

“If the construction of the future is not our task, all the more certain is what we must accomplish in the present; I mean, the ruthless criticism of everything that exists; the criticism being ‘ruthless’ only in the sense that it fears neither its own results nor conflict with the powers that be”. As they say in China: “Shi Shi Qiu Shi” (Seek Truth From Facts)


All of this is a prelude to a respectful request: Please visit and play well with others. Hacking and Shut-Down Attempts only Reveal Impotence, Weakness and Cowardice.

We raise this for the readers to understand that we bring wide perspectives, from diverse sources, some of which make us gag sometimes, but for us, what we select to pass on to the readers, under FAIR USE DOCTRINE for Educational and Scholarly exchanges and duties of citizens, we consider carefully. We are always looking for key pieces, dots and connections, in the dynamic and always-morphing systems of imperialism, colonialism, fascism, terrorism crawling and destroying the earth.

Please do not try to hack in to the site  (we will know and from where), send nasty packages, intimidate through a panopticon effect, shut it down or do provocations, racist rants, etc. First of all, it is bad tradecraft and not in your interest: what someone tries to censor and shut down only shows where the real “Crown Jewels” are–just ask the Catholic Church.

Secondly, there is no need to hide what is clean, only what is dirty. No need to try to censor or shut down or up sources of ideas contrary to your own unless your own cannot stand up to them; and, by censoring and attempting to shut down the sources of ideas one does not like, they only admit their own impotence and fear as well as where they are vulnerable to attack.

Hitler 22 hitler-quote

Thirdly, it invites response–never hacking or anything illegal from us–but it will trigger lawful, interacting-overlapping-penetrating,  searchlights, spotlights, flashlights and lasers (back and forth at different scopes and depths,  as a competent investigation is done) aimed at discovery and full exposure of any  sources of those trying to shut us down,  of the kind we try our best to do in our own work here and seek out in the work of others.

What is Wikileaks about and where did it come from ?–payback. And by what they try to censor or slander or shut down, that only shows where they think they are most vulnerable.

And just think how many real public servants, even the ones once totally deluded and hooked on the Kool-Aid, how many are defecting, have defected, will defect, not to foreign intelligence services or treason, but to simply keep the oath they took–“against all enemies foreign and domestic“. To this day Snowden still defends NSA and says he is still serving the institution with his whistle-blowing.

How many just cannot stand the contradiction between the oath they took (as all of us at STTPML did, some more than once) to uphold, protect, and defend (even with your life, your name and reputation if a whistle-blower) the U.S. Constitution, against all enemies foreign and domestic on the one hand, and, yet, or versus, what the ugly and increasingly costly things they are ordered to do in the name of that very Constitution and ‘The Flag’? How many professed Christians can handle the widening contradiction between the words and commands of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount, versus the carnage unleashed in the name of the Bible and the System? How many more will rise up like us and say “NOT IN OUR NAME!”  as many courageous Germans did, early on, in the early 1920s, tried to expose and stop Hitler when it was possible (and when Anglo-American financiers like Prescott Bush were financing him)?

Clue to the Mystery American Pioneers in  Advancing Same-gender Couples and Marriage

Clue to the Mystery American Pioneers in Advancing Same-gender Couples and Marriage

Why do we now have a Donations connection?

Those who have been reading here from the beginning of the site know that we never had a mechanism for soliciting or collecting donations. This is even as we had articles from many sources asking for donations that we passed on links to without our having any link. That is because our intention was to run this site from our own funds which is what we do.

Some of us are disabled veterans on social security and disability incomes. Some are employed at various jobs; some are unemployed, and some have part-time jobs or are about to be fired from jobs for refusing to do or keep quiet about corruption where they work.

We do hard-core “archive diving” for rare and revealing documents that show what people really intended and did in the past or are doing in the present, or plan to do in the future; and not the inevitable spin that comes later. Some of us have been homeless and done “dumpster dining or diving” and have some ideas and positions that come from such experiences. All of us have seen the American and Canadian “Justice” systems (“Just Us”–in power and connected) close-up and at all levels from the prisons and jails, stops by racist cops in the middle of nowhere(the point), to former law enforcement officers and investigators,  to lawyers and the courts and clerks at all levels.

We run this site from our own pockets and that is why attempting to harass us, or shut us down, or intimidate us will not work because we have no fear of losing what we do not havc much of or solicit: money. That is why we operate at low cost and try to have high quality, relevant and useful resources to share for all victims of oppression, scholars, teachers, activists and citizens standing with them; we never said we are neutral between oppressors and oppressed.

We cannot speak for the articles we pass on from others under Fair Use, but our own articles and resources (we do our own real grass roots investigations, infiltrations, etc in and outside of Indian Country) if they can be of any use to anyone, please take and use them unless against us or not in FAIR USE then .

But you will never get a letter from us, screaming about private property rights and copyrights (while we pretend to be “progressive and caring”) to people who have little, using our work to fight real struggles against real forms of oppression,  and are not seeking anything commercial. We won’t scream as we have experienced:  “How dare you rip us off using our work in your great article on genocide in America and Canada (e.g one response: “no shit”, I had no idea you could use the “G-word” about American and Canada and that’s a subject we’ve  never once covered”)

We work and write to produce something of substance, that citizens, activists and scholars of substance, can use in struggles of substance, against forces of oppression with little substance, and on issues of substance and urgency for our times.

But we got inquiries asking “Why do you guys link to others asking for donations for their sites and causes, but do not ask for yourselves?” What about if we just on our own really want to contribute something just to cheer you on and thank you for the kind of stuff you are bringing to us and the time, energy and your own resources it takes to do it?

That is the reason for the site now having a mechanism, for those who want to just say hi and cheer us on, now you can send a message in the form of contribution that will be used, 100% for the cause of spreading globally, the cause of informed, substantive, evidence-based and free debate on the critical issues of our times that we all share and are affected by. You will never get solicitations from us ever for money or donations that we need by such and such date to keep going. We do not collect or share data on anyone on this site except those who try to shut down what they refuse to engage and answer.

In short, this will be our last statement on this issue. Welcome, donations or not, agree with our articles and authors (that is not us) and our own work (that is us) or not, the more you disagree the more we want to hear from you: What do you think we are missing that if we understood our conclusions or assumptions would change? etc.

Finally, what is a fundamental  difference between a snitch and a whistle-blower? The snitch is willing to betray and help enslave his or her family and Oyate to save his or her skin or feed his or her greed. The whistle-blower is willing to risk his or her own skin (and career, name, reputation, life) to defend and help free the Oyate from the likes of the snitch and his or her controllers.

Thank You for Visiting and Your Precious Time and Thought

First of all, we are extremely aware of how much time is limited for everyone and when someone visits this site, even if they wind up hating us and the site content, we appreciate and honor that they took precious time, energy, focus, reading out of a busy day to at least consider the content at this site. That is our payment, along with hearing and exchanging ideas from wonderful people all over the world where we are read and why we do what we do.

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