

My Experiences With, and Wishes For, China

By James M. Craven/Omahkohkiaaiipooyii (Blackfoot)

My interest in and respect for China, began long before I was finally able to come to China with the honor of an invitation from Tsinghua University in 2004, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in 2005 and by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, CASS, Yunnan University and Tsinghua University in 2009. My interest in and respect for China began as a child.

My father, Homer Henry Craven Jr., during World War II, served as an Engineer/Top-turret Gunner on B-25s of the 490th Bomb Squadron (“Burma Bridge Busters”) of the 14th Air Force (successor to the “Flying Tigers”) who flew 94 missions against the forces of Japanese Fascism and Imperialism in Myanmar and China. My father, acquired a deep respect not only for China and Chinese culture and people, but in particular, had a high level of respect for the Communist-led forces that fought with so much courage, determination, humility, modesty, adaptability, and integrity (my father’s words) against the forces of Japanese Fascism and Imperialism. Because of my father’s influence and ideas about China, which were most certainly not popular during the 1950s and 1960s, and even now might not be popular among some segments of the U.S. population, neither I nor my brother and sister were ever raised with the typical Cold War prejudices, caricatures, hatreds and arrogance directed against China and other socialist nations. My father also believed that he was not putting his life on the line simply for narrow and shallow nationalism; rather, he was fighting against forms of fascism and imperialism that he opposed no matter by whom and against whom; I was also raised with these values.

My father always wanted to see the new China being built; but the enforced Cold War embargos against and isolation of China from the UN, and the global community of nations, made it impossible until around 1980 or 1981, when, as a 747 Captain for Northwest Airlines, my father flew some of the earliest flights to Shanghai and Beijing when the Northwest Airlines routes were restored into China. My father was struck, even in the 1980s, with how far China had come especially with so many legacies of history to deal with and overcome. He taught me that when assessing the real nature and performance of any nation’s social system, it is important to compare that nation’s level of development not in contrast with other nations with different histories, but in terms of where that nation itself stands today relative to where it came from, what constraints it has inherited and has had to overcome.

Indeed, my parents, and life, have taught me many things. They taught me that no person or peoples of any nation have any right or legitimacy to demand for themselves, the very same rights and privileges that they seek to deny others. They taught me that all nations have an equal right to exist and derivative rights, from the fundamental right to exist, to all that is necessary to ensure their existence and security: freedom; independence; self-determination; sovereignty; and freedom from aggression and interference in their internal affairs. They taught me that only the peoples of a nation have a right to collectively and democratically determine the type of socioeconomic system they shall live under; and no nation has a right to attempt to engineer regime or system change of another. They taught me that any system that delivers wealth and prosperity for a privileged few, while leaving the many without the means of subsistence and in misery, is ultimately a backward and doomed system. They taught me that especially in an increasingly interdependent global community of nations, with global spillover effects from local conflicts, no nation has a right to assert and enforce or demand for itself, the very same international laws that it does not respect and seeks to deny for other nations; just as no citizens of a nation have a right to assert for themselves, the protections of the very same laws that they seek to deny for others. And they taught me that no individual or nation can ever achieve and sustain real freedom and prosperity through the oppression of others.

Through my some forty years of studies and over thirty years of teaching in economics, geography and other subjects, often venturing to non-traditional sources, through the influence of my father and others, along with living outside of the U.S. in some very poor areas, I studied, perhaps more than some, aspects, past and present, of the socioeconomic-politico-legal systems of various nations including China. Yet when I first came to China, I came, and remain, profoundly ignorant of many aspects of Chinese history and society; but I came to China as a friend, with no “mian zhao” (masks) and no “tang yi pao dan” (sugar-coated bullets). I came and come always as someone who wished/wishes only peace, prosperity, development and overcoming the injurious legacies of history for China and other nations that have been historically and unfairly oppressed, marginalized and demonized.

I was invited the first time to come to China to present a paper entitled “The Evolving Concept of Social Capital, Markets, Market-Based Processes and Socialist Construction”, Sept 1-2, 2004, at the International Symposium on the Reform of Property Rights and Enterprise Development in Transitional Countries at Tsinghua University in Beijing. At the conference, not only was I treated with such kindness, understanding of my being from a different culture and tolerance of my profound ignorance, by the Chinese scholars I met, but every Chinese scholar I met, and with whom I had extended discussions on a variety of subjects, demonstrated himself or herself to be very competent in his or her academic discipline as well as being very modest, humble and an inspiring representative of China.

In my presentation at this conference, I opened with a request to be allowed to make a personal comment prior to my academic presentation. I noted my father’s experiences in and views of China that had influenced me, and I also gave a sincere apology, as a citizen of both the U.S. and Canada, as well as a veteran of the U.S. Army 1963-66, for all the acts of aggression and provocations, past, and present, committed against China, in my name, by the governments of two of the nations of which I am a citizen: The U.S. and Canada; Blackfoot have never worked against or harmed China. In my presentation, I talked about Imperial Social Systems Engineering: how one nation could go about, through forms of hard and soft power, to attempt to “engineer”: provocations; encirclements; threats of nuclear annihilation; exacerbation of historical divisions; embargoes; denials of critical technologies; use of puppet proxies; etc, The intent is to put another targeted nation and its system under perpetual siege and cause necessary diversions of  critical and scarce resources into defense and away from development; thus producing and even engineering, the supposed “proofs” of asserted caricatures of the asserted  backwardness and a repressive nature of the system of the targeted nation.

This, I believe is exactly what has been done and is being done to China and other nations. I noted, in my presentations, that the present-day reforms in China I believe, in the main, are imperative as the global economy, in which China is increasingly integrated, is run on capitalist principles; and, all social formations, even socialist ones, contain historically-generated forms of capitalism and even pre-capitalism, that cannot be simply and summarily assumed away in theory or abolished with the wave of a hand. If handled carefully, under the leadership and guidance of a wise and vigilant Government and Party, measures of capitalism, like carefully controlled doses of a potentially lethal medicine, shellfish toxins or poisons from reptiles with medical uses, that can potentially kill a patient, but can also be used to save a patient if carefully monitored and controlled, may be used to build the necessary material foundations of socialism and its defense–and improve the lives of millions in need of immediate, urgent even life-and-death relief.

My first trip to China was also meaningful and the fulfillment of a life-long dream in another way. Among Blackfoot Indians (my father was white and my mother a descendant of Blackfoot American Indians) it is the custom to attempt to visit the graves of those who life work and contributions to humanity have been an inspiration in one’s own life. Prior to coming to China for the first time, I asked the sponsors of the conference if it would be possible for me to visit, and pay my deep respects, the graves of Chairman Mao Zedong and Dr. Norman Bethune or Bai Qiu En; previously, I had visited the grave of Karl Marx at Highgate cemetary in London three times. This was arranged for me and I have had memorable experiences visiting the Mausoleum of Chairman Mao Zedong four times (over three trips) and once at the gravesite of Bai Qiu En and the Memorial to the Chinese Martyrs in Shijiazhuang.

My second trip to China came as a result of an invitation to the” Third Annual Conference on Aboriginal Studies and Issues”, May 18-21, 2005, in Beijing, by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the IUAES to deliver a paper entitled “The Development of the Blackfoot Nation” which I delivered. I was also asked to deliver a lecture entitled “Socialism versus Capitalism: Which Will Win?” at Tsinghua University which I delivered. I also had extended conversations, on many subjects, with scholars of the Academy of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.  Again, in all cases, I found the Chinese scholars to be very well informed on global issues, expert in their respective academic disciplines and uniformly warm, hospitable, modest and principled.

In 2006, 2007 and 2009 I was nominated by Professor Cai Jiming at Tsinghua University for a Weilun Visiting Professorship in Economics to co-teach a course with him that involved examination and critique of Neoclassical Economics (the so-called “mainstream” economics taught at universities all over the world). Due to some problems in getting a release from my teaching duties at Clark College, and later due to some health issues, I was unable to come to teach with Professor Cai Jiming which was a real regret given the honor of being nominated for the Weilun Visiting Professorship and the chance to return to and learn about China as well as give something back to China for all the kindness and hospitality shown to me previously.

In 2008, I was invited to present a paper at the IUAES Congress in Kunming, one of the places my father was at during World War II, related to my work on “The Development of the Blackfoot Nation” and to invite some indigenous scholars from the U.S. and Canada to conduct a workshop on “Indigenous Epistemology and Scientific Method: Some Parallels and Contrasts With Neoclassical Theory, Complexity Theory and Dialectical-Historical Materialism”. The conference, scheduled for July of 2008, was postponed until July of 2009 at which time I returned to China where, in Kunming, where my father once served,  I delivered a paper to the 16th IUAES Congress entitled The Development and Sustainability of the Blackfoot Nation and Culture, presented a workshop on “Indigenous Epistemology and Scientific Method” and presented a lecture to the Graduate Faculty of Anthropology and Ethnology at Yunnan University on “Indigenous Concepts of Economic Development and Sustainability”. While in Beijing in August of 2009, I taught a hybrid graduate course at the Center for Political Economy Tsinghua (CPET) on “Critiques of Neoclassical Economics” and gave a presentation to the Academy of Marxism of CASS on “Neoclassical Economics and Neoliberalism as Neo-imperialism”.

“Wo mei tian zai xue xi Zhong wen”. We all wish the people of China, and indeed the peoples of the world, peace, prosperity, sovereignty, self-determination, independence, the social system of their own collective choice, and relations with other nations conducted on the basis of mutual respect and mutually beneficial exchanges on all levels.


James M. Craven/Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo I’poyi

Professor of Economics and Geography; Clark College, Vancouver, WA.

Member, Blackfoot Nation, U.S. and Canadian Citizenship

CASS banner

James M. Craven(印第安黑鹰族名字为Omahkohkiaayo I’poyi )


我的父亲Homer Henry Craven Jr.,在第二次世界大战期间曾是一名B-25轰炸机上的工程师和顶炮塔机枪手,在第14航空大队(其前身为“飞虎队”)的第490轰炸机中队(“缅甸桥的主力部队”)服役,在缅甸和中国抗击日本法西斯主义、帝国主义的战斗中执行过94次飞行任务。我父亲对中国的深深敬意不只是源自中国文化和中国人民,他对共产主义者领导下的人民军队尤其怀有崇高的敬意——这支军队在抗击日本侵略者的斗争中勇敢坚定,谦虚谨慎,适应性强,精诚团结。由于我父亲的影响以及对中国的看法(这样的看法在20世纪五六十年代的美国是最受排斥的,直至今天,在美国一些阶层中也仍然不受欢迎),我和我的兄姊都没有在典型的针对中国及其他社会主义国家的冷战式偏见、嘲讽、仇恨和傲慢中成长。我父亲还认为,他没有将自己的生命付诸于仅仅是狭隘浅陋的国家主义,相反,他是同他所反对的各种形式的法西斯主义和帝国主义作战,不管具体是支持哪一方、反对哪一方。我也是伴随着这些价值观成长起来的。












我的妻子来自四川,以中国及其所有成就而自豪;我的儿子,Naato’si Mao Craven(中文名廖晨希),正在将中文作为他的第一语言和母语学习;而且,“Wo mei tian zai xue xi Zhong wen”(我每天在学习中文)。我们都希望中国人民,实际上是全世界的人民,能够安享和平、繁荣、自治、自决、自立,生活在他们自己共同选择的社会制度下,在多层次互敬互惠交流的前提下与其他国家共处。




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