Cop Shoves Gun in the Face of Teenager for Taking Too Long Waiting in line at McDonalds: When Psychopaths are Carrying Guns and Wearing Badges

Cop Shoves a Gun in a Teen’s Face in a McDonald’s Drive-thru, for Taking Too Long

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

When sociopaths with guns are claiming to ‘protect and serve’ you, something has gone terribly wrong.

The audacity and attitude of the cop in this video says a lot about the “higher than thou” mentality that the ruling class holds. 

Had the person this cop pulled a gun on been armed, and justly defended himself or herself, they would likely be facing murder charges for killing a cop.

3 Weeks ago, Scott Biumi plead guilty to assault. According to Forsythe News,he was sentenced to 10 years on probation for pointing a gun at teenagers in the drive-through line at a south Forsyth McDonald’s.

Scott Biumi, 48, pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated assault stemming from the April 9 incident at the fast-food eatery on Old Atlanta Road.


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