Category Archives: washington’s blog

The Biggest German Newspapers Say U.S. Blackwater [formerly named] Behind Massacres in Ukraine

The Biggest German Newspapers Say US Blackwater behind Massacres in Ukraine Post Categories: Canada The Washington’s Blog / The 4th Media News | Sunday, May 18, 2014, 21:18 Beijing Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? Blackwater … Continue reading

Posted in "Tip of the Spear", Contradictions of U.S. Imperium, FALSE FLAG OPS, FASCISM AND IMPERIALISM, Foundations of Fascism, Full SPECTRA Dominance, IMPERIAL HUBRIS AND HYPOCRISY, Imperial Impotence, International Law and Nuremberg Precedents, MSM MANIPULATION, nuremberg precedents, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FASCISM, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM, REAL HISTORY UNCOVERED, rise and fall of empires, TERRORISM, washington's blog | Leave a comment

1,400 Sue General Electric, Toshiba and Hitachi for Fukushima Disaster

1,400 Sue General Electric, Toshiba and Hitachi for Fukushima Disaster Post Categories: Asia The Washington’s Blog | Sunday, February 2, 2014, 13:25 Beijing Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printShare on gmailShare on stumbleuponShare on favoritesMore Sharing Services1Print … Continue reading

Posted in 4th Media, Climate Change and Imperialism, washington's blog | Leave a comment

Lessons of History Haunting the Present–and Future: The REAL Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan (It Was Not to End the War or Save Lives)

The REAL Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan (It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives) Posted on October 14, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog Atomic Weapons Were Not Needed to End the War or Save Lives Like all Americans, I was … Continue reading

Posted in Contradictions of U.S. Imperium, corrupt elites, despotic academia, EPISTEMOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC METHOD, FASCISM AND IMPERIALISM, Foundations of Fascism, Full SPECTRA Dominance, HOW TO LIE WITH STATISTICS, ideological classrooms, IMPERIAL HUBRIS AND HYPOCRISY, Imperial Impotence, Indigenous Peoples and Genocida, International Law and Nuremberg Precedents, MSM MANIPULATION, nuremberg precedents, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FASCISM, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM, REAL HISTORY UNCOVERED, Revisionist History, rise and fall of empires, TERRORISM, US AND HUMAN RIGHTS, washington's blog, Weapons of Mass Deception | Leave a comment