Category Archives: SKULL AND BONES

“Tell the Truth–Then Run”: What Kerry Couldda-Shouldda Said About School vs Military

“Tell the Truth–then Run”: What Kerry Couldda/Shoudda Said” WASHINGTON (Reuters) – – Democratic Sen.John Kerry apologized directly to U.S. troops on Wednesday for comments about Iraq that had prompted a firestorm of criticism from Republicans and President George W. Bush. … Continue reading

Posted in "Tip of the Spear", Contradictions of U.S. Imperium, corrupt elites, despotic academia, EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION AND TORTURE, FALSE FLAG OPS, FASCISM AND IMPERIALISM, Foundations of Fascism, Full SPECTRA Dominance, ideological classrooms, IMPERIAL HUBRIS AND HYPOCRISY, Imperial Impotence, International Law and Nuremberg Precedents, MSM MANIPULATION, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FASCISM, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM, psychopaths and sociopaths, REAL HISTORY UNCOVERED, Revisionist History, rise and fall of empires, Secret Societies, SKULL AND BONES, TERRORISM, Wealth and Income Inequality, Weapons of Mass Deception | Leave a comment

‘Masters of Manipulation’: Psychopaths Rule the World

“Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World Post Categories: Canada Joachim Hagopian | Sunday, May 25, 2014, 19:59 Beijing A Case Study of Obama and Petraeus   Psychopaths dominate the halls of power in both the United States and throughout … Continue reading

Posted in "Tip of the Spear", 4th Media, Contradictions of U.S. Imperium, corrupt elites, despotic academia, FALSE FLAG OPS, Foundations of Fascism, Full SPECTRA Dominance, ideological classrooms, IMPERIAL HUBRIS AND HYPOCRISY, Imperial Impotence, MSM MANIPULATION, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FASCISM, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM, psychopaths and sociopaths, rise and fall of empires, SKULL AND BONES, TERRORISM | Leave a comment