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EZRA LEVANT (EL) Indian genocide: That’s what former CJC boss Bernie Farber says Canada is guilty of — a bizarre and embarrassing (for him) allegation



EL: Did you know Canada has committed genocide?


EL: Seriously — like the Holocaust. Canada did that. We’re like Nazis.

EL: According to Bernie Farber, that is.

JC: please read: 


“Sir Jeffrey Amherst noted for his deliberate use of smallpox-infected blankets as a weapon against Indians. Amherst and his British lieutenants were a marked change from the French commanders at the forts throughout the Old Northwest and Canada. He made no effort to build goodwill with Indian peoples. He had no respect for Indian leaders, treated them contemptuously, and frequently described them as ‘wretched people’. He put an immediate end to the traditional French practice of giving Indians ball and powder when they ran short; he also prohibited emergency provisions if game was scarce, and clothing or gifts of goodwill. Lord Amherst (for whom Amherst College is named) initiated a genocidal new policy: ‘Could it not be contrived’ he wrote to one of his officers, ‘to send the smallpox among the disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every strategem in our power to reduce them’. Blankets were taken from the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. It delineated Indian country as west of the line; colonists lands as east of the line.” [Judith Nies “Native American History: A Chronology of a Culture’s Vast Achievements and Their Links to World Events”, Ballantine Books, N.Y., 1996, pp. 190-192]


“The Seneca invaded forts in Pennsylvania. Delaware Indians attacking Fort Pitt (formerly Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg) were presented with ‘gifts’ of blankets taken from the smallpox ward of the fort’s hospital. It started an epidemic that would rage through the Delaware villages and Shawnee towns of Ohio, decimating their populations. Still, by the end of 1763, eight out of 12 British posts had been captured and their garrisons ‘massacred’… Pontiac’s War became a major topic of debate in Britain. The English enlarged Sir Jeffrey Amherst’s powers to subdue the rebellion. (The smallpox blankets of Fort Pitt had been Lord Amherst’s inspiration).” [Judith Nies, Ibid, p. 195]

SEE ALSO: http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/lord_jeff.html

EL: Farber used to be the boss of the now-defunct Canadian Jewish Congress.

EL: Back then, the CJC took the position that the Holocaust was a unique event in recent history, the totalitarian attempt to methodically kill every Jew.

EL: The CJC used to object when people, usually politicians desperate for media attention, would casually compare something to the Holocaust or genocide, or call their opponents Nazis.

EL: The rationale was clear: If anything can be a Holocaust, then the actual Holocaust couldn’t have been that bad.

EL: But Farber has broken that rule with a brazenness not often seen outside the freakier fringes of conspiracy theorists.

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EL: He has accused Canada of committing genocide against Canadian Indians. Here is a sample of the kookier things he said on the CBC last week:

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EL: “(Genocide) is a strong word but it is a word that significantly applies in this matter … sadly, what we have done meets the test of the UN Convention of genocide.
“Killing members of a group, which we have done … deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

EL: Of course it’s not true. Canada does not and never has had a policy of exterminating Indians. Genocides don’t normally include billions of dollars a year in government grants to the group in question, affirmative action hiring quotas, land reserves and other privileges.

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EL: In Canada’s 400-year history, there has been some atrocious conduct towards Indians. But there has been atrocious conduct towards all sorts of people in Canada, including wars, massacres and other hallmarks of pre-Enlightenment life.

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EL: The French attacked the English. The English attacked the French. Canada invaded the U.S. and burnt the White House to the ground. Women didn’t have the vote until less than a century ago. For most men, it wasn’t much earlier than that.

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EL: But there was never a genocide. Farber actually claims that when European explorers unwittingly brought diseases to the new world, that was part of genocide, too. Canada is the most gentle, generous country in the world. It’s a weird and desperate stretch to call us a country of genocide. Claiming there was a conspiracy to kill all Indians, even 400 years ago, is historical revisionism. It’s slander. It’s accusing French and English settlers of being proto-Nazis. Who’s being the bigot now?

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Eugenics EthnicCleansing

EL: Why would Farber say this? Perhaps an answer lies in what he now does for a living. After the Canadian Jewish Congress was disbanded, Farber ran as a Liberal in the last Ontario election, in a very Jewish riding, and lost.

War Against the Weak banner

“Set the blood quantum at one-quarter, hold to it as a rigid definition of Indians, let intermarriage proceed, and eventually Indians will be defined out of existence. When that happens, the federal government will be finally freed from its persistent Indian problem.” (FROM A LEAKED BIA DOCUMENT)

Logo of the Anglo-American Eugenics Movement that "Inspired" the Nazis and their Modern-day Successors

Logo of the Anglo-American Eugenics Movement that “Inspired” the Nazis and their Modern-day Successors

“Having been a devoted reader of Karl May’s (sp?) books on the American West as a youth, Hitler frequently referred to the Russians as ‘Redskins.’ He saw a parallel between his effort to conquer and colonize land in Russia with the conquest of the American West by the white man and the subjugation of Indians or Redskins. ‘I don’t see why,’ he said, ‘a German who eats a piece of bread should torment himself with the idea that the soil that produces this bread has been won by the sword. When we eat wheat from Canada, we don’t think about the despoiled Indians.’ [James Pool, Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Rewards, 1933-1945; Pocket Books, N.Y. 1997 pp. 272-75]


He was very interested in the way the Indian population had rapidly declined due to epidemics and starvation when the United States government forced them to live on the reservations. He thought the American government’s forced migrations of the Indians over great distances to barren reservation land was a deliberate policy of extermination. Just how much Hitler took from the American example of the destruction of the Indian nations his hard to say; however, frightening parallels can be drawn. For some time Hitler considered deporting the Jews to a large ‘reservation’ in the Lubin area where their numbers would be reduced through starvation and disease.” ( James Pool op cit. p. 273-274).


And from a speech by Heinrich Himmler (date not given):

“I consider that in dealing with members of a foreign country, especially some Slav nationality…in such a mixture of peoples there will always be some racially good types. Therefore I think that it is our duty to take their children with us, to remove them from their environment, if necessary, by robbing or stealing them…” (Telford Taylor “Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials”, Alfred A Knopf, N.Y. 1992, p. 203)

EL: So a wealthy Jewish heir, named Michael Dan, hired the man the electorate didn’t want.

EL: Dan’s company, Gemini Power, wants to build power plants on Indian reserves. Good idea. And Farber’s job is to lobby Indian chiefs for permission. So Farber does what he knows. He’s swapped out the phrase “Jewish Holocaust” for “Indian genocide” and swapped in “Canadian government” for “Nazis.” It’s bizarre, it’s embarrassing, but it pays the bills.

EL: Farber will do well in the Indian Industry. He’s had a lifetime of practice, mobilizing the vocabulary of grievance and victimology.

EL: Most Canadian Jews don’t view themselves as victims. Statistically, Jews are amongst the most successful people in Canada.

EL: But Farber is peddling anger and blame in a very different place now, where those toxic ideas may well take root. Canadian Indians could use a message of hope, or entrepreneurialism, or education — the Jewish experience of how a people that was almost wiped out in the Holocaust bounced back and now is successful.

EL: Those are lessons Indians could profit from hearing — how to get out of a rut, get ahead, and make some money.

EL: Instead, he’s bringing a whole new level of extremism to Idle No More.

EL: It’s crazy.

EL: But it’s also sad.


Definition of genocide[edit source | editbeta]

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as
…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[3]

Article 3 defines the crimes that can be punished under the convention:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 3[3]

Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III.

— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 8[3]

Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or for any of the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 9[3]


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