Residential Schools Commission Calls For 30-Year Seal on Records: Crimes, Cover-ups, Like Lies, Can Only Beget More of the Same

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Residential schools commission calls for 30-year seal on records


A lawyer for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has presented an alternative option to destroying the testimony of about 38,000 claimants — lock it in a vault for 30 years.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been looking through documents stored at the Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre in Gatineau.




The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been looking through documents stored at the Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre in Gatineau.

The claims of 38,000 residential school survivors could be headed for a vault instead of an incinerator depending on the direction of a judge.
On the second day of arguments over the potential destruction of documents detailing abuse at residential schools, Julian Falconer, the lawyer representing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, proposed an alternative to eradication — locking the documents away for 30 years and then transferring them to Library and Archives Canada.
“You’re guaranteeing the claimants that no one can access their information for three decades and you’re not putting yourself in that irreversible position the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is worried about,” said Falconer. “The minute you destroythis portion of history, you alter the ability for generations to come to remind people what was done to these individuals.”
Under the commission’s proposal, survivors would have the option of voluntarily sending their files to the National Research Centre, an archive set up at the University of Manitoba. Falconer also said the commission would accept a 50-year seal on the records if 30 years was deemed to be too short.
The proposal from the lawyer working for the claims secretariat called for all records to be destroyed two years after the last residential school survivor has their claim resolved. Justice Paul Perell, the judge charged with administering the case, said he favours a retention period of at least 15 years in any case.
Edmund Metatawabin, a survivor of St. Anne’s residential school, has previously opposed the destruction of the documents. He also opposed the suggestion that the records would be locked away and in the hands of the government.
“In 30 years time, who’s going to remember this issue? Who’s going to be interested in opening this file?” said Metatawabin, who also decried their destruction.
Metatawabin said the historical records are vital for Canadians to remember the past and learn from it.
“I am one of the survivors who was abused and I say don’t hide them. The people who are trying to hide them never felt all of these abuses, never felt helpless at the hands of perpetrators and predators, never stayed in bed and hoped that nobody would touch them during the night. It was hell to be in there,” said Metatawabin.
Those who testified in the individual hearings did so with the understanding that their testimony would remain confidential, according to Steven Cooper, partner at Ahlstrom Wright Oliver & Cooper LLP, a firm that has represented more than 2,000 survivors.
“I can assure you that the vast majority of survivors are aghast at the notion that their records would be maintained,” said Cooper in an email. “Ninety per cent of clients don’t want to see any record of the hearing and are relieved by the thought that the records will be destroyed. Some will only give their testimony on that understanding.”
The commission’s proposal would pass the documents to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to be sealed for at least 30 years and a large-scale “enhanced notice” program to inform claimants about the fate of their transcripts, applications and decisions. The notice would also give survivors the opportunity to voluntarily submit their materials to the archive in Manitoba.
At the end of 30 years, the documents would be transferred to Library and Archives Canada where they would be subject to the federal Access to Information Act and Privacy Act.
“A destruction order means it’s irreversible. You create an act that can’t be changed about accounts that are some of the most detailed accounts we have access to,” said Falconer. “A court should be empowered to open that vault in two generations to deal with what neither you nor I can anticipate.”
The hearing is scheduled to continue Wednesday.
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STTPML COMMENT Personal by Jim Craven/Omahkohkiaaiipooyii
I have served as a “Tribal Judge” on a UN-NGO-Sponsored Tribunal on Indian Residential School Atrocities, I know personally, have interviewed and helped to prepare for trials that never came,  well over 200 survivors; and my own mother, a Blackfoot Indian, suffered at the hands of the Mormons; although they did not run Residential Schools as in Canada, they operated the same and committed the same vile crimes against children and others who opposed them.
Further, some of those records I and some colleagues have seen. Here is some of the why they want them sealed:
1) A whole lot of Canadian history and many history books,  will have to be rewritten or be exposed for what they are: cover-ups of genocide and a lot of Canadian notables, after whom many buildings and monuments are named and to whom they continue to pay tribute and cover-up their crimes–not just past, but present and intended for the future.; A whole lot of monuments, building names, awards, etc will look very differently when the history books are written by new generations of scholars. The FBI is part of the “Justice” Department, and the headquarters building is named after J Edgar Hoover, a mobbed-up racist, anti-Semite, extortionist, blackmailer, hid and used as extortion weapons, more crimes than he ever had any real hand in solving. Having a building that is supposed to be about justice named after Hoover is like having a shelter for battered women named after the serial killer Ted Bundy.
2) The stories told, by different people, from different nations, time periods and clans, who had never met each other, but were abused by the same persons, in the same ways, with the same modus operandi, all these testimonies are not just corroborative, they are a powerful and human indictments and exposures of the system and all those so proudly and smugly white folks (along with non-white collaborators and sell-outs) so proud of their “pure and delightsome” white skin they had nothing to do with, so proud of their “stock” and Anglo-American genes they also had nothing to do with, luminaries of Canadian history, psychopaths and sociopaths many of them.
3) They show willful, calculated, premeditated and conscious genocide (no need to cover-up what is clean only what is dirty; no need to avoid going to paper if honest and truthful–only if something to hide and attempting to escape exposure and accountability; no need to take reprisals against those bringing phony charges–disprove them–only those bringing the truth); What comes out from the records I and my colleagues have  seen can only be described as being as depraved and psychopathic as anything we have seen including from the Axis fascist powers.
4) They show crimes in the present and that will continue into the future unless exposed and prosecuted with the possible bill due mounting into the billions of dollars.  Many of the offenders are dead, but their inbred scions, who would be nowhere without the family name, genes and connections, now in positions of power, are very threatened. Their whole Calvinist rationale for rule (White skin, power and wealth the sign and proof of being preordained to rule in God’s grace) crumbles.
5) The City Council of Vancouver , BC just voted to give notice that the City of Vancouver, BC is on un-ceded, non-Treaty land of several Indigenous nations. That is what the Residential School system was really all about in addition to pure racism, forced assimilation and the rest of it: to break the connections of the nations with their traditional lands and Peoples to destroy any property rights (in the colonizer’s terms) as well as the nations themselves. A a common historical land base, along with common culture and language, common institutions of  governance and leadership selection, common history, common economic life, common  desire to remain a People;  these are the fundamental facts on the ground, plus international law (not recognition or non-recognition by other recognized nations or nation-states) that define and protect, when defined as a nation, the rights of all nations  to sovereignty, not to be exterminated, and thus also self-determination, independence, right of indigenous-built social systems, freedom from outside interference in internal affairs not having external effects; and thus the genocide that built and still lives alive and well, some in the same old forms and instruments, some new forms and instruments– all open and naked as defined by Canadian law;
6) I have seen some “visitor logs” of some Residential Schools with some of the “Great Names” of Canadian history, some of whom were famous when they made overnight “inspection visits” for one of the Churches or for the Government. Why would these notables be bothering with, let alone staying overnight, at some of these “schools” that were all in isolated places for a reason? They were serial abusers handed children to abuse as favors and gifts of bonding from the school administrators. The police knew about it and even provided security for the visits. When modern forensic techniques are applied to the content of those files (various kinds of sociometric and econometric  and network analyses), all sorts of new discoveries will shake the academic world; a cloistered, privileged and self-censoring world that has stayed so safe,with safe topics, from safe paradigms, safe sources, in the safe journals, or the safe media, with safe scopes and depths of analysis and writing, they will be exposed for what they are and represent by the realities they willfully, blindly and with depraved indifference, ignored and even disputed and covered-up.
7) Many of the children from the Indian Residential Schools both while in the schools and after they left and wound-up on the streets in urban areas, were used for medical experiments, to test vaccines (Hep B etc) as well as used in the infamous CIA MKULTRA program (1950s to 1974?) of Ewen Cameron in McGill. SearchForTheManchurianCandidate I have personally interviewed three victims of this program, taken at different times, but with the same modus operandi, with backgrounds that allowed them to be easily dismissed if they ever talked or could talk and remember; all three were urban Indians, Residential School Survivors of different schools at very different periods but all lured into the program through supposed “help agencies” for the poor. Also many of the students were sterilized under the Alberta Sterilization Act of 1928 and the B.C. “Race Hygiene” Act (that directly inspired the Nazis) mostly under ruses so they did not know until much later they had been sterilized.
8) The Catholic Church: The CC has just gotten around to admitting some past cases, paying out over 1 billion in sealed settlements so far, and the victims admitted to are all white, middle class, very presentable on camera and very articulate and believable; they have not even admitted all the abuses of Indian children and poor white children (now only in Ireland) and for how long; these records show some of it.
9) The 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was ratified by Canada in 1953 (Indians declared Canadian Citizens 1963) while the U.S. did not bother until 1988 to ratify it but passed a “sovereignty amendment” that vitiated the ratification (in the U.S. American Indians were declared American citizens in 1924 ratified in 1928). In both cases, treaties and conventions, when ratified by the respective governments that signed them, become part of the “Supreme Law of the Land”, but they even trump the Constitutions of the nations that signed them under “Supremacy Clauses” mandated by Canons of Treaty Construction and Contracts. Otherwise, nations could do what Canada and the U.S. routinely do and that is to take the advantages and consideration gained from a treaty or covenant, then ignore or refuse to obey the terms that are considered unfavorable (then do not sign the covenant to be selectively and conveniently kept by one party). These documents then, expose in naked, clear, irrefutable proofs, not only that Canada and the U.S. were built on genocide and theft not people of genius and certain bloodlines destined by God to rule; they indict not only the past, but all the present and future built on  a rotten foundation of lies, theft, genocide and wars of the kind Nazis were hanged for at Nuremberg.

Residential_Schools Apology Not Acceptedpdf

Judicial Findings From the Inter-Nation Tribunal on Indian Residential Schools in Canada  CopyIndigenous Epistemology and Scientific Method pdfIndictmentRev1genocide-br-en-Claveroconspiracy theories 387Residential_Schools (2) of international ed and imper 21598282.2011Residential Schools   The Past is Present (PDF), Radio program with James Craven on The United Church, May 2000. Transcription. – Chronicles of Ecoimperialism: Real Whales, Real People (PDF), by James Michael Craven (Blackfoot Confederacy) (Click here for HTML version). – Paper on Blackfoot Nation (PDF). – Indictment Of The Federal Governme quote and image who controls...

From Truth to Truth: The Sacred Hoop. Counter-clockwise, each is a necessary but not sufficient predicate for the process following; Clockwise, each is a conditional effect of  the following process

From Truth to Truth: The Sacred Hoop. Counter-clockwise, each imperative to the left of a process critical for it; Clockwise, each is an imperative for the process is fundamental to the next imperative.


In a real  Aboriginal Court, there are no: dueling expert witnesses each saying what the paying client wants from the same set of facts; no jury consultants, judge or venue shopping; no political hacks and megalomaniacs voted for patronage-selected as judges; no lawyers only take well-paying low-hanging fruit, looking to “win”; truth and the rest of it does not matter; no formalities and any ritual and process is to serve not obstruct the search for real truth. There is no playing games and slippery use of words and constructs depending on which side of an argument. There is no theatrics allowed but deeply felt emotions are encouraged as they may also yield probative evidence.

Without the continual and search for Truth, without fear or favor, there can be no Justice; Without Justice (for all concerned including the innocents tainted by crime of a relative) there can be no real Healing (except something like “get over it” and “we’ll go back to the same positions we did crimes in but this time learn from our “mistakes”). Without some Healing there can be no real Reconciliation (that is not just intended to avoid future litigation, discovery of crimes etc). Without Reconciliation, not some phony utterances (“Ok we are over it, now we forget and move forward and of course on our terms”) there can be no Prevention of Future Abuse. Without Prevention of Future Abuse, there can be no climate that values, respects and demands the search for Truth.

This is a small example of what this grotesque cover-up is designed to hide and where it leads to the present and some very powerful and entrenched interests:


CBW 7-17-1945 doc page 1 of 2

CBQ 7-17-1945 doc page 2 of 2 cropped

CBW Top Secret Letter  7-22-1945 doc page 1 of 2

CBW 7-22-1945 doc page 2 of 2 cropped

SEE and SEE and SEE and SEE



The origins of Nazi and Japanese fascist ideology, including “racial theories” have their origins of the imperial and colonial ideologies and racial theories of the British and American Imperiums. In fact both the Japanese and German fascist theorists, along with Hitler himself personally, acknowledged their “inspirations” to have been the historical experiences, policies and racial theories of British and American imperialism and colonialism in the above quotation from John Toland’s “Adolf Hitler Volumes I and II” and in “Hitler’s Secret Conversations” by Hugh Trevor-Roper.

From James Poole:

“He [Hitler] was very interested in the way the Indian population had rapidly declined due to epidemics and starvation when the United States government forced them to live on the reservations. He thought the American government’s forced migrations of the Indians over great distances to barren reservation land was a deliberate policy of extermination. Just how much Hitler took from the American example of the destruction of the Indian nations his hard to say; however, frightening parallels can be drawn. For some time Hitler considered deporting the Jews to a large ‘reservation’ in the Lubin area where their numbers would be reduced through starvation and disease.” (James Pool, Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Rewards, 1933-1945; Pocket Books, N.Y.op cit. p. 273-274).


“Having been a devoted reader of Karl May’s (sp?) books on the American West as a youth, Hitler frequently referred to the Russians as ‘Redskins.’ He saw a parallel between his effort to conquer and colonize land in Russia with the conquest of the American West by the white man and the subjugation of Indians or Redskins. ‘I don’t see why,’ he said, ‘a German who eats a piece of bread should torment himself with the idea that the soil that produces this bread has been won by the sword. When we eat wheat from Canada, we don’t think about the despoiled Indians.’[James Pool, Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Rewards, 1933-1945; Pocket Books, N.Y. 1997 pp. 272-75]

And from some more “primary” sources in Anglo-American History:

“The depiction of Indians as wild beasts was quite common among early English and American leaders, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. David E. Stannard writes:

‘As is so often the case, it was New England’s religious elite who made the point more graphically than anyone. Referring to some Indians who had given offense to the colonists, the Reverend Cotton Mather wrote:

“Once you have but got the Track of those Ravenous howling Wolves, then pursue them vigourously; Turn not back till they are consumed… Beat them small as the Dust before the Wind.”

Lest this be regarded as mere rhetoric, empty of literal intent, consider that another of New England’s most esteemed religious leaders, the ReverendSolomon Stoddard, as late as 1703 formally proposed to the Massachusetts Governor that the colonists be given the financial wherewithal to purchase and train large packs of dogs “to hunt Indians as they do bears.”‘[American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press (1992)), p. 241]“

From Amherst College named after “Lord” Jeffrey Amherst (after whom many towns and cities were named and with statues of him in them all:

AMHERST CHINA plate_back
Amherst College china plates depicting mounted Englishman with sword chasing Indians on foot were in use until the 1970′s.

War Against the Weak banner

And from some of the earliest known forms of calculated Biological Warfare that later inspired the Nazis (from their own mouths) “Lord” Jeffrey Amherst:

.. Captain Simeon Ecuyer had bought time by sending smallpox-infected blankets and handkerchiefs to the Indians surrounding the fort — an early example of biological warfare — which started an epidemic among them. Amherst himself had encouraged this tactic in a letter to Ecuyer. [p. 108] (Carl Waldman’s Atlas of the North American Indian [NY: Facts on File, 1985]. Waldman writes, in reference to a siege of Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh) by Chief Pontiac’s forces during the summer of 1763)


“Sir Jeffrey Amherst noted for his deliberate use of smallpox-infected blankets as a weapon against Indians. Amherst and his British lieutenants were a marked change from the French commanders at the forts throughout the Old Northwest and Canada. He made no effort to build goodwill with Indian peoples. He had no respect for Indian leaders, treated them contemptuously, and frequently described them as ‘wretched people’. He put an immediate end to the traditional French practice of giving Indians ball and powder when they ran short; he also prohibited emergency provisions if game was scarce, and clothing or gifts of goodwill. Lord Amherst (for whom Amherst College is named) initiated a genocidal new policy:‘Could it not be contrived’ he wrote to one of his officers, ‘to send the smallpox among the disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every strategem in our power to reduce them’. Blankets were taken from the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. It delineated Indian country as west of the line; colonists lands as east of the line.” [Judith Nies “Native American History: A Chronology of a Culture’s Vast Achievements and Their Links to World Events”, Ballantine Books, N.Y., 1996, pp. 190-192]


“The Seneca invaded forts in Pennsylvania. Delaware Indians attacking Fort Pitt (formerly Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg) were presented with ‘gifts’ of blankets taken from the smallpox ward of the fort’s hospital. It started an epidemic that would rage through the Delaware villages and Shawnee towns of Ohio, decimating their populations. Still, by the end of 1763, eight out of 12 British posts had been captured and their garrisons ‘massacred’… Pontiac’s War became a major topic of debate in Britain. The English enlarged Sir Jeffrey Amherst’s powers to subdue the rebellion. (The smallpox blankets of Fort Pitt had been Lord Amherst’s inspiration).” [Judith Nies, Ibid, p. 195]


Bertolt Brecht summed-up the dangerous mentality of the smug elites who write checks with their mouths they pass on to others to cash with the blood and treasure of others.

Those who take the meat from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling too difficult,
for ordinary folk.

Bertolt Brecht


These wanted war criminals wound up as high level politicians (one a Prime Minister of Japan), at high levels of the Yakuza and other underground criminal conspiracies, as professors at prestigious universities and as “scientists” developing Anglo-American WMDs at places like Ft. Detrick. Md a notorious place for the development of biological as well as chemical weapons of mass destruction that then continued this work as well as covered-up where some of the “data” had come from and how it had been obtained.

“Medical” and “Delivery” Experiments to Develop Chemical and Biological Weapons Using Human Beings and even Whole Cities Started by Japanese and German Fascists Continued in the U.S. and Elsewhere Post-War


PLEASE SEE and SEE and SEE and SEE and SEE and SEE



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