STTPML Policy on Hacking, Unlawful Leaks and Cyberwarfare



We at STTPML are all veterans of the U.S. military and/or government service and as such have all taken the oath to uphold, preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and to obey and carry-out the [lawful] orders of superiors. It has been our experience that the enemies of the U.S. Constitution are far more often domestic than foreign. We believe that in a society composed of people and groups with different and competing perceptions, passions and interests, there must be the rule of law for all, without fear or favor, as with out it there would be no rule of law; and we also believe that the nature, intentions of the law itself, who is really being served if not all, and at whose expense, must be a paramount question.

Yet as indigenous persons as well as veterans, we know that not only was the U.S. Constitution written by rich propertied white males to institutionalize their racism, property and rule through often criminal means, through a system that would make their own conduct “lawful” and thus no need to even break the law the non-wealthy and non-White would be held to. They made no pretense that the phrases “We the People” and “All men are created equal” did not mean Women, Indians, Slaves, non-propertied Whites, non-“Christian” (their kind) or even non-White in general. John Jay, the First Supreme court justice said “Only those who own America should vote and control America.”

We also understand that the Constitution incorporated the Electoral College system that survives today out of contempt for the masses and democracy not to promote it. The so-called “Founding Fathers”, in addition to being members of a host of elitist secret societies associated with white superiority and supremacy, slavery, racism, the China opium trade, and networking power, expressed open contempt for the masses and democracy.  The imperative for local wealthy representatives on the local levels to “elect” other wealthy representatives at regional and national levels, (no mandate to vote as popular majority voted) was enshrined in the electoral college that survives today; no direct voting by the “unwashed, uneducated and undisciplined and even threatening masses”.

And we have documented on this site the direct line in history that runs from the racism, genocide, Christian Zionism and eugenics beliefs of the  Puritans, to the white superiority/supremacy/eugenics/secret societies of the “Founding Fathers”, to cults like Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Masons and others, to the Anglo-American-German Eugenics movement of the late 1800s, to the Nazis and their laws and genocide in the 1930s and 40s, to the Anglo-American recruitment and protection of wanted Nazi and Japanese war criminals in return for their “eugenics” and “other” “research” to some of the present-day power players and networks of Anglo-American imperium that survive.


We also understand that when we call for the rule of law, we beg the question: “Whose law?” There was “rule of law” in Nazi Germany, written by for and in the service of Nazism as a system and ideology. As Anatole France put it so succinctly:

La majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain.

In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.


And those who intend to smash real democracy and its laws, will be the first to use all the “rights”, laws and electoral processes in the particular, for themselves, in order to destroy any semblance of democracy in general.

“Only one thing could have broken our movement: if the adversary had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed with extreme brutality the nucleus of our new movement.”[51] Adolf Hitler –


“Hitler had gone to the meeting with his mind made up on two objectives which his mind which he intended henceforth to pursue. One was to concentrate all power in his hands. The other was to re-establish the Nazi Party as a political organization which would seek power exclusively through constitutional means. He had explained the new tactics to one of his henchman Karl Ludeke while still in prison: ‘When I resume active work it will be necessary to pursue a new policy. Instead of working to achieve power by armed coup, we shall have to hold our noses and enter the Reichstag against the Catholic and Marxist deputies . If outvoting takes longer than out-shooting them, then at least the result will be guaranteed by their own constitution. Any lawful process is slow…Sooner or later we shall have the majority—and after that Germany.’ On his release from Landsberg [prison] he had assured the Bavarian Premier that the Nazi Party would henceforth act within the framework of the constitution… [On February 27, 1932, after labeling Marxists and Jews as ‘the enemy’]: ‘To this struggle of ours, there are only two possible issues: either the enemy passes over our bodies or we pass over theirs.’ Adolf Hitler –


But just as the particulars of the law can be and often are used to subvert the clear intent and spirit of the law, and even to conduct and cover-up criminal acts according to other law, so the law can also be used to expose such intent and outcomes and to leave a paper trail for others to follow. But we understand that we cannot support the rule of law (international trumps national trumps state trumps local) for others while breaking the law ourselves even under the banner of protecting the law or national security the covers often used by the national security state for its own serial lawbreaking and contempt for law.

We use only public source documents; we do not care how they became public, we understand the rage and acts of Snowden and other whistle-blowers, and we think they have a solid defense of exigency and failures of internal processes they went to and thus had to act under 18 USC 4,  but we have never advocated or encouraged illegal leaking, hacking, cyberwarfare, harassment, intimidation or leaking to us of anyone. We have and still do advocate whistle-blowing if anyone is aware of crimes being committed as that is a matter of law and duty of all citizens. In fact, some of the real leakers of the most sensitive intelligence all have top-level security clearances working on very sensitive projects:

18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony

Current through Pub. L. 113-163. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Felony crimes are offenses against all of society. When unreported and unaddressed, not only are current and past victims awaiting protection, relief and justice, but other victims in the future are likely as criminals are typically repeat offenders. Plus, thus who do crimes in concert with others, or who commit the crime of accomplice to cover-ups of crimes committed by others, are now all vulnerable to each other since if one goes down he or she may well take down the others (and perhaps has made that implicit fact explicit).
What to do when the crimes being reported are to and through processes and persons themselves corrupt? That is a matter of conscience. Not all whistle-blowers are genuine and snitches are not whistle-blowers. A snitch is a creature that, in order to save his own skin (and also money, ego and revenge are motives), will sell out those who trust or once trusted him; sometimes criminals seeing that what they were part of is unraveling will try to get ahead of the process by portraying themselves as whistle-blowers (demanding anonymity) when they are really still snitches. But a genuine whistle-blower, risks her skin as well as those of loved ones to try to report and stop crimes to save the skins of past, present and future victims she will never see, know or get a thank you from. But what is required is smart whistle-blowing meaning that careful paper-trails are laid so that if the authorities do not do their duty under 18 USC 4 and other statutes like 18 USC 73 Obstruction of Justice, then their names get added to the list and in any case, even if we do not win, we leave a paper-trail for other victims to pick-up and carry-on.
We are continual victims of repeated attempts to hack this site (now over 2313) and we have asked over and over, we do not want to entrap anyone or aid the same by others, we do not know specifically, by name, those attempting to hack and prowl this site, but we can identify IP addresses, organizations, countries of origin and we have the capabilities to get more specific than that; but we do not know or care who visits only their intentions. We do not ask people to register to this site so that we can solicit funds later or do our own intelligence on certain visitors.
We are a kind of people’s intelligence service and we use our skills, capabilities and experience in the military, government service and other places, along with our grass-roots connections in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere with Indigenous Peoples and activists with other groups, to simply gather, expose and seek “better versions of the truth” from facts. We cite and quote from all sorts of sources and pieces we do not agree with or endorse but cite them as they may provide insights, sources, data, perspectives, connections and networks, expertise and methodologies that are useful in putting together the key pieces and relative positions and connections of a dynamic and fluid mosaic called  imperialism done in our name and causing horrors and terrorism all over the world.
We gather through our own grass-roots operatives direct evidence of crimes on the Reserves and Reservations of Canada and the U.S. (and elsewhere) and send to the law enforcement authorities that have traditionally refused to accept let alone act on reports of crimes in Indian Country. We also suggest a model and approach for activists on other issues from other groups. Some of us are trained in techniques of sociometrics, econometrics,  and various kinds of pattern, network and periodicity analyses and we apply them to find networks, trails, players, structures, and hidden powers, patronage networks, power structures, key players, fronts, capabilities and intentions (Order of Battle of U.S. Imperium and Plutocracy).
We also do work on the streets. One of us may appear to be a dirty drunken Indian laying on the sidewalk (filming some powerful pedophiles looking for Indian children to abuse in poor areas). Or we may be a taxi driver who just happens to be right where and when a certain person typically looks for a cab. We have amongst us conservative Christians who simply believe that the Sermon on the Mount, the core of Christianity, does not allow support for imperialism, genocide, racism and such. We also have atheists, leftists, centrists, Traditionalists, members of the Democratic Party and those who have no use for it. We have former Republicans and former libertarians. We have no one ideology, each has an equal vote, we are simply anti-imperialism done in our name.
We are not secessionists as Indians have never been an integral part of a wider national whole and are according to facts on the ground, international law and treaties, separate nations and thus with the rights to self-determination, independence, sovereignty, our own social systems to fit our own values and needs, not to be exterminated or forcibly assimilated. Because only only sovereign nations can make and ratify treaties, because treaties trump even the  constitutions of the nations that signed them when in conflict with those nations constitutions and laws (Article 6 Sec 2 U.S.Constitution), each nation when signing and ratifying a treaty is accepting the standing, authority and system of government that produced that standing and authority of the other treating partners. There is no DCA (Department of Caucasian Affairs) in Canada  or BCA (Bureau of Caucasian Affairs) in America. Our situation is not like those of the minorities in China who have their own real and legitimate grievances, and many live in poverty, but they have been integral and sometimes ruling minorities within a broader recognized China for hundreds if not more than thousands of  years.
We stand against all forms  terrorism no matter by whom or against whom or under what banner or pretexts. Cyberwarfare is not simply clandestine (actions hidden) and covert (sources “plausibly deniable”) it is a violation of international law and terrorism per se. Terrorism is any form of violence, coercion, denial of rights against, and/or with indifference to the likely effects on,  the lives and welfare of, non-combatants, innocents and all those without means of defense and not part of conflicts in accordance with international law (which trumps domestic laws and constitutions when spillover effects on and threats to other nations, as well as conventions and treaties  are involved). This means that “one man’s terrorist is [not] another man’s freedom fighter if the word terrorism has any standard meaning and those who use it are not trying to be disingenuous.

UN Charter and Acts of War: Whether Overt, Clandestine, Covert, False-flag, Sanctions, Quarantines,, Embargoes, Regime Change or Social Systems Engineering Campaigns–All Acts of War Under International Law

Acts of war are any acts, whether covert and clandestine or overt under pretexts, of force and violence by elements of one group against another whether declared or not, The U.S. Constitution reserves the decision to go to war or not with the Congress and gives a second check and balance against the Executive with the power to appropriate or withhold funds for war. The Executive prosecutes and directs the war after its declaration and debate; the emergency war powers to respond to a surprise attack exist only so long as to neutralize the threat and go to Congress for a debate on and a declaration of war. The president has no authority to conduct acts of war without seeking first a declaration of war from Congress for cause; a decision not to seek Congressional approval is still an infringement on Congressional powers to declare or not to declare or not to seek to declare war.
We ask one more time: Please visit this site respectfully and treat this site and its honest intentions as you would want your own sites to be respected. We will continue to publish IP addresses of offenders, we will not reveal our trade-craft or capabilities but we have a good idea who is who and who is here to learn or gather their own dots to be connected in their own situations with their own issues, and who is here to try to prowl, gather and intimidate against ideas and evidence they often lack the will, experience, intellect and law or morality to take on and argue against. Intimidation is so much easier. We do so not to intimidate ourselves, we do not invite retribution from our supporters against  these cyber invaders, we do not want even to take it further and find out who exactly is at those IP addresses, we just want it to stop and let us do our work, take us on if you do not like what we say or write, or stop coming to this site some materials here bother you (they bother us a lot also but we publish only in the search for better versions of the truth on critical issues of our times.”
Thank you for taking your precious and scarce time to visit this site, gather information, consider these critcal issues of our times.
The STTPML Collective


This entry was posted in Cyberwarfare and Nuremberg Precedents, Foundations of Fascism, Indigenous Peoples and Genocida, Panopticon Effect, STTPML So That the Peoples May Live, TERRORISM, US AND HUMAN RIGHTS. Bookmark the permalink.

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