STTPML 6666 Banned IP Addresses

b0010_1_ From STTPML Collective We warned that when we hit 1000 attempts to hack this site we would publish the IP addresses of those we have solid reasons to believe are trying to hack this site for various reasons including to prowl the site. We now have 6407 such addresses below.

illusion-of-democracy1 We do not ask people to register to visit this site and to read and take the materials we offer for scholars and activists on the issues discussed on this site. We do not beg for money and finance this site out of our own funds (but any donations gratefully accepted).


We do not try to identify the IP addresses and persons behind them but we do know when we are being visited by various intelligence agencies and their private contractors; we don’t mind perhaps they might learn a thing or two here so they won’t do some of the criminal and incompetent stuff they do and write some of the incompetent stuff they write.

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In any case, please do not try to hack and prowl this site as we will  know and out anyone who does it without fear or favor to any agency or country. We put a lot of work into this site and want all who visit here to view it as a kind of neutral place for people from diverse ideological perspectives to visit without being identified, harassed or targeted by others also visiting the site. Furthermore, it is just bad intelligence trade-craft to mess with sites and people whose own response capabilities that are unknown or unsure of.



Thanks to all our visitors for giving their precious time to visit, read and care about the critical issues of our times. Please visit and use this site as you would want your own site visited and used. For those pissed off with the content of the site, stop visiting or deal with the message not the messenger. We will not be bullied or intimidated and we are very serious about what we do, offer and the work it takes to produce for this site.

6666 Banned IP addresses: 6666 Banned IP Addresses

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