Mandela Sign Language Interpreter a ‘Fake’

Mandela memorial sign language interpreter a ‘fraud’


South Africa’s deaf community alleges the sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s memorial was a fraud

US President Barack Obama delivers a speech next to a sign language interpreter during the memorial service for late South Af...

US President Barack Obama delivers a speech next to a sign language interpreter during the memorial service for late South African President Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg. Picture: AFP Source: AFP


THE sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s memorial was accused Wednesday of being a fake who merely flapped his arms around during speeches.

“He’s a complete fraud,” Cara Loening, director of Sign Language Education and Development in Cape Town told AFP.

“He wasn’t even doing anything, There was not one sign there. Nothing. He was literally flapping his arms around.” The interpreter, who translated eulogies including those of US President Barack Obama and Mandela’s grandchildren, looked as if he was “trying to swat a few flies away from his face and his head”.

“The deaf community in South Africa are completely outraged and nobody knows who he is,” said Loening.

“We can’t find a name or anything. The organisations who have accredited interpreters do not know him at all.” The government said it had launched an investigation following the allegations, the results of which would be made public.

Minister in the Presidency Collins Chabane said at a news conference the government was “looking into this matter” but would be unable to conclude its investigations on Wednesday due to other pressing demands ahead of Mandela’s funeral on Sunday.

Attended by nearly 100 sitting and former heads of state or government, the speeches at Mandela’s memorial on Tuesday were supposed to be interpreted into sign language for deaf viewers.

But the onstage interpreter’s signing appeared at odds with that of the public broadcaster’s signer, who was shown in a small insert box on SABC television screens.

The White House meanwhile referred all questions on the matter to the South Africangovernment but said it would be regrettable if the incident overshadowed Mr Obama’s “very powerful remarks” at the memorial service.

“It would be a shame if a distraction about an individual who was on stage in any way detracted from the importance of that event and the importance of president Mandela’s legacy,” deputy spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters in Washington.

South Africa’s Translators’ Institute said they already had reservations about the interpreter, who has previously signed at the ruling ANC party’s events, including its centenary anniversary last year.

“We suspect there was something underhand about him,” the institute’s chairman Johan Blaauw told the domestic SAPA news agency. “How else was he working on such an important occasion when he did not seem to know what he was doing?

“I’m afraid this thing has left the whole of South Africa with egg on its face.” He said there had been complaints over his signing at past ANC events, yet the ruling party took no action.

Delphin Hlungwane, a spokeswoman for the Deaf Federation of South Africa, said the man picked for the job was “just gesturing in the air”.

“He didn’t interpret at all, he had zero per cent accuracy,” she said. “International people were watching it as well and they all said he was not using any kind of sign language. They all said they don’t understand him,” said Ms Hlungwane.

Ms Loening said her organisation was getting emails from around the world “wondering what on earth this man was doing there”.

“It’s a real embarrassment. It’s complete disrespect for the deaf community and for what Nelson Mandela stood for and the support which he gave toward the deaf community.” While sign language semantics may differ from country to country, the basic grammar remained similar, said Mr Blaauw.

“The common grammar can be recognised across the various sign languages,” said Blaauw. “It’s been the response across the world that he wasn’t using the language but just making funny gestures.”

Comment STTPML: Go to any chain bookstore in the West and you will find whole sections devoted to “How to appear to be more than you are rather than being more than you appear to be. “Fake It Till You Make It”;  “Dress for Success”; ” Effective Schmoozing and Networking”; “20 Killer Resumes Guaranteed to Get You Hired”; “Selected Quotations for Public Speakers”; “50 Principles of Power For Aspiring Managers, Politicians and Administrators”; “Style Over Substance: The Formula For Suckcess in Business and Politics”.
Indeed this apparent fraud as a sign language interpreter was a powerful metaphor: With all the wealth and assets of the national security surveillance state of the U.S. and its allies, how did this person get next to these leaders and “dignitaries” without being fully vetted not only as a security risk, but for basic competence and experience?
Why did some of the hearing-impaired not speak up and say or sign something that this guy was an apparent fraud?
And what about some of those attendees themselves also frauds as “statesmen”, supporters–ever–of Mandela, “humanitarians” and the like?
What about and where was the concern for the hearing-impaired that they could also participate in the funeral?
Was the apparent fake sign language interpreter doing an act of kindness for the deaf rather than having a psychotic episode as he claimed, by not inflicting upon them all the hypocrisy, revisionist history and apparent disingenuousness being passed off in and by  some of the speeches of clearly photo-op-seeking “dignitaries”?
So much for the meme that capitalism and imperialism deliver only the best quality commodities, most efficiently, at lowest costs, while delivering what the masses are most demanding?
Where was the oft-touted “efficiency”, advanced technology, intelligence capabilities and projected “omniscience”, “omnipotence” and “omnipresence” of the security services of the U.S. and its allies–the same ones recommending target lists for drone strikes?
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