Historical Treatment (American “NIMBY”) Against Real Refugees From Death Squads–Redux and a Replay of Turning Back Jewish Refugees on the St. Louis in 1939 to Death Camps Awaiting Them

immigrants threatening way of life 3db79aff8f43480db7b1516654a76732

Please blow-up this to see the "lessons" being taught by "Uncle Sam" to the subjects of U.S. Imperial Power Projections

See the Subliminal Mind Control in what racism and imperial intent are passed on the picture depicts below:

Caricature showing Uncle Sam lecturing four children labelled Philippines (who appears similar to Philippine leader Emilio Aguinaldo), Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Cuba in front of children holding books labelled with various U.S. states. In the background are an American Indian holding a book upside down, a Chinese boy at the door, and a black boy cleaning a window. Above the door reads “The Confederate States refused their consent to be governed; but the union was preserved without their consent” Originally published on p. 8-9 of the January 25, 1899 issue of Puck magazine.

Caption: “School Begins. Uncle Sam (to his new class in Civilization): Now, children, you’ve got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that, in a little while, you will feel as glad to be here as they are!”

Blackboard: The consent of the governed is a good thing in theory, but very rare in fact. — England has governed her colonies whether they consented or not. By not waiting for their consent she has greatly advanced the world’s civilization. — The U.S. must govern its new territories with or without their consent until they can govern themselves.

Poster: The Confederated States refused their consent to be governed, but the Union was preserved without their consent.

Book: U.S. — First Lessons in Self Government

Note: (on table) The new class — Philippines Cuba Hawaii Porto Rico


Protesters Hound Buses Of Immigrant Children: ‘Nobody Wants You’


Protesters Hound Buses Of Immigrant Children: ‘Nobody Wants You’


This is the type promoting but not found at these kinds of rallies

This is the type promoting but not found at these kinds of rallies

Protesters in Murrieta prevented three buses from entering a Border Patrol processing facility.

Protesters in Murrieta prevented three buses from entering a Border Patrol processing facility.



On Tuesday afternoon, a swell of anti-immigrant protesters prevented three buses carrying undocumented immigrants from driving to a Border Patrol processing facility in Murrieta, California, a small town less than two hours away from Los Angeles. Waving the American flag and shouting “USA,” Take them away from here,” and “America, stand your ground,” demonstrators refused to leave the roadway, forcing bus drivers to transfer the immigrants to another facility in San Diego county.

Note spelling of "Official" by this idiot promoting English only

Note spelling of “Official” by this idiot promoting English only

Organizers from the anti-immigration group We the People Rising shouted, “Nobody wants you. You’re not welcome. Go home.” One protester shouted, “Turn around and go back,” “Vamanos. You’re in contempt of Congress…. criminals. Go home. We have no money for you.” Another protester approached a tan police officer who tried to hold back the crowd, saying, “Can you take the day off for me, boss? These are your kids too, man.”



About 140 undocumented immigrant detainees, including migrant families likemothers with small children, were en route to the Murrieta facility to be processed for “supervised release … pending appearances in immigration court,” the Los Angeles Times reported.



A small group of immigrant counter-protesters was also present and verbally threatened at the demonstration, including Lupillo Rivera, the brother of the late Mexican singer Jenni Rivera. He told the Los Angeles Times that a protester had shouted that “he was an illegal immigrant and should go home.” Rivera, a U.S. citizen, “went home and returned with several of his friends and bandmates to confront the protesters.” Though the police were largely able to separate the two groups of protesters, both groups stayed into the evening.


Macho Bravado or as they say in Texas, "All hat no cattle".

Macho Bravado or as they say in Texas, “All hat no cattle”.


The present situation with refugees from death squads, crime and gangs, mostly in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras (many are remnants of death squads armed, trained and advised by the U.S. and its allies in dirty wars in the area) is not the first time in U.S. history that real refugees, facing death and starvation, were turned away by mobs of smug and self-absorbed people screaming NIMBY (“Not in My Back Yard”).

Hitler’s plan for the ultimate annihilation of all Jews on the planet, along some other targeted groups like Sinti Roma, Communists, was clear and evident in Mein Kampf and even before. That was certainly the aim of the ultra-secret Thule Society that recruited Hitler in 1919, and after imprisonment of Hitler ( 5 years sentence, 9 months served for High Treason and Murder–4 policemen at the 1923 Munich Beer Hall Putsch–for two crimes carrying a death sentence and Hitler not even a German citizen). Hitler gave “credit” to Henry Ford for his book of his combined vile anti-Semitic newspaper rants called “The Eternal Jew” as the main “inspiration” for Mein Kampf.

But Hitler was given special handling (literally a Manchurian Candidate of the Thule Society) not only as an accused criminal of capital crimes, but in 1919, while a spy for the military, at the time, a garden-variety veteran and crude anti-Semite and one among many of the same. It was an Army psychologist who cured him of hysterical blindness during but not from a gas attack), Rudolf Hess, and some industrialists later, all  members of the Thule Society and “sophisticated”, no less vile, anti-Semites and all that goes with that personality type, who saw that Hitler had some kind of “quality” different from many front-line soldiers; plus he had Iron Cross both 2nd and 1st class and perhaps could be turned into a Pygmalian-like (Sound of Music) as well as Wagnerian opera to last 100 years.

Hitler only spied on one party–the one he took over the German Worker’s Party changed to National Socialist Worker’s party, and Hitler was given a full two-year makeover. The ringleader, Professor Karl Haushofer, taught him his theory of “Lebensraum” (imperativc for land for German (“Aryan”) greatness and world rule that is destined unless the Germans are weak in which case they bring about, and deserve, Gotterdammerung or total destruction and God’s damnation). This construct is the same basic grandiose and psychopathic ideas at the core as some of the previous and latter versions of it: Manifest Destiny, Eretz (Greater) Israel, East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere (Imperialist Japan) or the “New Roman Empire” (Mussolini).

Hitler was given, over the period 1924-27, got some of the leading experts in the world in giving professional very expensive and “pioneering” techniques and styles (for different audiences) in: basic acting;  speech and rhetoric; focus groups (first ever) reacting to his speeches; use of eyes, movement, affect and gestures to different audiences; polling; dealing with the media;  photographs in different clothes and postures for different audiences; use of gestures and posture in rhetoric, dressing and speaking to different kinds of audiences,; radio (later TV) presence. Hitler, between 1924-27 was the fist case of systematic, attempts at “scientific” principles of propaganda,  and coordinated media handlers, professional speech writers, spin doctors, and professional-technical editors, professional editorial  review, of his book and oratory to clean it up for diverse audiences and people from varied  levels of education.



Also came lots of money in 1924 at a critical time (Hitler did not even have supporters waiting for him when released from Landsberg prison) to revive the Nazi Party (during this time Hitler personally received funds from Union Banking Corporation (Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker), JP Morgan Co, Henry Ford (personally) and from other financial interests in the US and UK.

Their plan, which they carried out partly and in planned stages was:

Stage I or “First Solution” was propaganda, marginalization of Jews, public ridicule etc, to drive as many out of the some 600,000 Jews in Germany out (by 1938 some 250,000 Jews had escaped);

Stage II, some 400 + laws aimed specifically against Jews to drive them out of Germany, confiscate all property, ban Jews from all state employment and other positions as well finished up with the planned “Kristallnacht”;

Stage III or the “Final Solution” involved first Einsatzgruppen Death squads, followed by gas vans, followed by the first case of industrialized and “scientific” murder and genocide on a mass scale.

This was all known by allied and soviet intelligence at the time. Further, Hitler held a secret meeting with military commanders at the Reich Chancellory on Nov. 11, 1937, the minutes of which were relayed to British and French intelligence, and the Soviets had an agent in the meeting. In this meeting, Hitler said to the gathered military commanders that   this meeting and his plans are to be taken as his last will and testament.

He laid out a plan that since the West had done nothing about reoccupying the Ruhr against the terms of the Versailles Treaty, and they were obviously not prepared for or wanting to go to war, his plan was that soon the time to go to war would be imperative and planned as follows: 1) the Anschluss with Austria; 2) to start war and take over all of Czechoslovakia partly under the pretext of protection of brutalized Germans in the Sudetenland (note Hitler wanted war then, the commanders were aghast and thought Germany not ready, but actually Hitler wanted to take all of Czechoslovakia to get to the Sudetenland Germans; not the reverse as occurred; when the allies let him take the Sudetenland first then the rest of Czechoslovakia that was a further “green light”); 2) Attack against Poland and to the East  taking the Baltics, USSR; 3) Take Norway, Denmark to secure ports and sea lanes from being taken by the West; 4) Attack through the “Lowlands” (Belgium, Holland, no mention of Luxembourg that was also taken) to France and taking out France; 5) Peace with England and spheres of influence, Germans and British (British and British empire admired by Hitler); 6) Leave America isolated until could be attacked from bases in North America and long-distance super weapons. The plan he laid out was pretty much what happened and  allied intelligence was well aware of this meeting and had notes that were taken during it.

But Hitler had an ace up his sleeve in trying to figure-out how to force the exits of as many Jews as possible (Germany had not yet gone to full-scale war yet, only dirty covert wars and had not yet occupied large areas with Jews) from Germany; where to send them and who will take them?

Hitler knew well that the Western governments were riddled with vicious anti-Semites racists, white supremacists like Winston Churchill, FDR (an-anti-Semite), Harry Truman and many others who would oppose or limit the taking of Jewish refugees even facing death if they returned (and many on the St Louis returned to Belgium wound up in concentration camps and murdered as it was predicted would happen if they were returned). And that is what happened, and Hitler used it in Nazi propaganda: “The West screams and protests against our policies on Jews, but you can see, they don’t want them either.”

Published in a newspaper article, February 8, 1920 [announcing that the old enemy Germany is no longer an enemy and the new enemy is a “sinister confederacy” of “international Jewry” and spreading vile anti-Semitic rhetoric in prestigious forums and venues while Hitler was a nobody spy saying the same stuff in the streets]:

‘This movement among the Jews is not new…It is a ‘worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development of envious malevolence, and impossible equality.’

[Listing Marx, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemboug and Emma Goldman as examples of ‘malefactors’], Churchill wrote:

‘The conspiracy has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century”.

[ Quoted in “Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization” by Nicholson Baker, Simon and Schuster, N.Y. 2008, p.6 from “The Movement Among the Jews”, Winston Churchill, “Zionism versus Bolshevism”, in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920 quoted in Gisela C. Lebzelter, “Political Anti-Semitism in England 1918-1939, p. 19 ]

This is right out of the Thule Society, the Vienna magazine that Hitler had all copies of, and the Angle-American-German white supremacist and anti-Semitic eugenics movement that Churchill, Roosevelt, later Joseph Mengele, that inspired the Nazis own “race-hygiene” policies and laws. If Jewish Bankers = Bolshevism, then how to explain Bolsheviks who are anti-religion and some anti-Semitic, while the Bankers as capitalists are anti-Bolsheviks?

Answer from Hitler and Churchill: Jews are a ‘race’ not religion, they only care about money and themselves as “God’s Chosen People”, and will use religion or politics, even what appears to be not in their interests, to supposedly take over the world; it is “US” (Western, European, ‘Aryan’ Civilizations) that are the most advanced and destined to rule and this grandiose and psychopathic master plan of the Thule Society types. meant that this alleged master “Jewish Banker-Bolshevik” Conspiracy had to be smashed and those part of it never to exist to reconstruct it. The also used the term “Existential Threat”–some group is presumed to be a threat to one’s existence merely by virtue of what they believe even with no evidence of ill intent or plans to harm to others.


MS St. Louis

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“SS St. Louis” redirects here. For other uses, see List of ships named SS St. Louis.
SS St. Louis surrounded by smaller vessels in its home port of Hamburg

MS St. Louis surrounded by smaller vessels in its homeport of Hamburg.[1]
Career (Germany)
Name: St. Louis
Owner: Hamburg-America Line
Port of registry: Weimar Republic Hamburg (1928–33)
Nazi Germany Hamburg (1933–46)
Allied-occupied Germany Hamburg (1946–49)
West Germany Hamburg (1949–52)
Builder: Bremer-Vulkan Shipyards inBremen, Germany
Laid down: June 16, 1925
Launched: May 6, 1928
Maiden voyage: June 15, 1929
Fate: Scrapped in Hamburg, Germany, 1952
General characteristics
Tonnage: 16,732 gross register tons (GRT)
Length: 574 ft (175 m)
Beam: 72 ft (22 m)
Propulsion: M.A.N. diesels, twin triple-blade propellers
Speed: 16 knots (30 km/h/18 mph)
Capacity: 973 passengers (270 cabin, 287 tourist, 416 third)

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 937 German Jewish refugees after they were denied entry to Cuba, the United States and Canada, until finally accepted to various countries of Europe. Historians have estimated that, after their return to Europe, approximately a quarter of the ship’s passengers died in concentration camps.

The event was the subject of a 1974 book, Voyage of the Damned, by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts. It was adapted for an American film of the same title, released in 1976.



Voyage of the Damned

The St. Louis set sail from Hamburg to Cuba on May 13, 1939. The vessel under command of Captain Gustav Schröder was carrying 937 refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution.[2][3] Upon the ship’s arrival in Cuba, the Cuban government, headed by President Federico Laredo Brú, refused to accept the foreign refugees. Although passengers had previously purchased legal visas, they could not enter Cuba either as tourists (laws related to tourist visas had recently been changed) or as refugees seeking political asylum. On May 5, 1939 Havana abandoned its former pragmatic immigration policy and instead issued Decree 937, which “restricted entry of all foreigners except U.S. citizens requiring a bond of $500 and authorization by the Cuban secretaries of state and labor. Permits and visas issued before May 5 were invalidated retroactively.”[4] However, none of the passengers were aware that the Cuban government had retroactively invalidated their landing permits. The ship dropped anchor at 4 A.M. on May 27 at the far end of the Havana harbor and was denied entry to the usual docking areas. The next six days on the harbor were tumultuous times. It was finally announced that passengers arriving on the ship would only be allowed to enter if they had official Cuban visas.[5] Thus, only 22 non Jewish passengers were allowed to disembark on Cuban shores. After long negotiations, the remaining 915 passengers (mostly Jewish) were forced to return to Europe.[6]

Telephone records show the situation was discussed by the American officials Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, and Henry MorgenthauSecretary of the Treasury. These members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt‘s cabinet tried to persuade Cuba to accept the refugees. Their actions, together with efforts of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, were not successful.[9]

Prohibited from landing in Cuba, Captain Schröder took the ship and its passengers to Florida. It is unknown why Schröder did not proceed to the Dominican Republic, as its officials at the Evian Conference in July 1938 offered to accept 100,000 Jews. Some histories recount that on June 4, 1939, Schröder believed he was being prevented from trying to land St. Louis on the Florida shore. Material from that time was conflicting. According to the authors Rabbi Ted Falcon & David Blatner in Judaism for Dummies, when the “St Louis was turned away from Cuba…, America not only refused their entry but even fired a warning shot to keep them away from Florida’s shores”.[10] Legally the refugees could not enter the United States on tourist visas, as they had no return addresses. The U.S. had passed the Immigration Act of 1924 that restricted numbers of “new” immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.

Schröder said that he circled off the coast of Florida after leaving Cuba, hoping for permission to enter the United States. At one point, he considered running aground along the coast to allow the refugees to escape. He was shadowed by US Coast Guard vessels that prevented such a move. US Coast Guard historians maintain the two cutters involved were not ordered to turn away St. Louis but dispatched “out of concern for those on board”.[11] Ultimately the United States did not provide for entry of the refugees.[11] As the St. Louis was turned away from the United States, a group of academics and clergy in Canada tried to persuade the nation’s Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, to provide sanctuary to the ship’s passengers, as it was only two days from Halifax, Nova Scotia.[12] But, Canadian immigration officials and cabinet ministers hostile to Jewish immigration persuaded the Prime Minister on June 9 not to intervene.[13]

Jewish refugees aboard the MS St. Louis while the ship was docked in the port of Havana.

Captain Gustav Schröder,[14] the commander of the ship, was a non-Jewish German who went to great lengths to ensure dignified treatment for his passengers. He arranged for Jewish religious services and commanded his crew to treat the refugee passengers as they would any other customers on the cruise line. As the situation of the vessel deteriorated, he personally negotiated and schemed to find them a safe haven (for instance, at one point he formulated plans to wreck the ship on the British coast to force the passengers to be taken as refugees). He refused to return the ship to Germany until all the passengers had been given entry to some other country.

US officials worked with Britain and European nations to find refuge for the travelers in Europe.[9] The ship returned to Europe, docking atAntwerp, Belgium, on June 17, 1939.[15] The United Kingdom agreed to take 288 of the passengers, who disembarked and traveled to the UK by other steamers. After much negotiation by Schröder, the remaining 619 passengers were allowed to disembark at Antwerp; 224 were accepted by France, 214 by Belgium, and 181 by the Netherlands. They appeared to be safe from Hitler’s persecution.

Without its passengers, the ship returned to Hamburg and survived the war. The following year, after the German invasions of Belgium and France in May 1940, all the Jews in those countries were at renewed risk, including the recent refugees.[16][17]

St. Louis Captain Gustav Schröder negotiates landing permits for the passengers with Belgian officials in thePort of Antwerp.

By using the survival rates for Jews in various countries, Thomas and Morgan-Witts, the authors of Voyage of the Damned, estimated that 180 of the St. Louis refugees in France, 152 of those in Belgium, and 60 of those in the Netherlands, survived the Holocaust. Together with the passengers who landed in England, of the original 936 refugees (one man died during the voyage), roughly 709 survived and 227 were slain.[18][19]

Later research by Scott Miller and Sarah Ogilvie of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum found that fewer people survived and estimated 254 deaths:

“Of the 620 St. Louis passengers who returned to continental Europe, we determined that eighty-seven were able to emigrate before Germany invaded western Europe on May 10, 1940. Two hundred fifty-four passengers in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands after that date died during the Holocaust. Most of these people were murdered in the killing centers of Auschwitz and Sobibór; the rest died in internment camps, in hiding or attempting to evade the Nazis. Three hundred sixty-five of the 620 passengers who returned to continental Europe survived the war.”[20]


After the war, Captain Gustav Schröder was awarded the Order of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1993, Schröder was posthumously named as one of the Righteous among the Nations at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Israel.

A display at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum tells the story of the voyage of the MS St. Louis. The Hamburg Museum features a display and a video about the St. Louis in its exhibits about the history of shipping in the city. In 2009, a special exhibit at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia entitled “Ship of Fate” explored the Canadian connection to the tragic voyage. The display is now a traveling exhibit in Canada.

In 2011, a memorial monument called the Wheel of Conscience, was produced by the Canadian Jewish Congress, designed by Daniel Libeskind with graphic design by David Bermanand Trevor Johnston.,[21] The memorial is of a polished stainless steel wheel. Symbolizing the policies that turned away more than 900 Jewish refugees, the wheel incorporates four inter-meshing gears each showing a word to represent factors of exclusion: antisemitismxenophobiaracism, and hatred. The back of the memorial is inscribed with the passenger list.[22] It was first exhibited in 2011 at Pier 21, Canada’s national immigration museum in Halifax. After a display period, sculpture was shipped to its fabricators, Soheil Mosun Limited, in Toronto for repair and refurbishment.[23]




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