Category Archives: Information Clearing House

Missing Saddam: America Broke Iraq. It Broke Libya, Yemen, Syria and Egypt

Missing Saddam: America Broke Iraq. It Broke Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Egypt. Post Categories: EU Wayne MADSEN / The 4th Media News | Sunday, June 15, 2014, 16:05 Beijing The neo-conservatives who have driven the foreign policies of Barack Obama … Continue reading

Posted in "Tip of the Spear", Contradictions of U.S. Imperium, corrupt elites, despotic academia, FALSE FLAG OPS, FASCISM AND IMPERIALISM, Foundations of Fascism, Full SPECTRA Dominance, ideological classrooms, IMPERIAL HUBRIS AND HYPOCRISY, Imperial Impotence, Information Clearing House, International Law and Nuremberg Precedents, MSM MANIPULATION, non-Official Government Leaking for PR, nuremberg precedents, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FASCISM, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM, REAL HISTORY UNCOVERED, Revisionist History, rise and fall of empires, Strategic Culture Foundation, TERRORISM, US AND HUMAN RIGHTS, VETERANS AND RESISTANCE, VIETNAM AND IRAQ WARS, Weapons of Mass Deception, WHISTLE-BLOWERS | Leave a comment

On the Imperative for Expanded Protection for Whistle-blowers

Conference on Imperatives for Expanded Protection of Whistle-blowers with Edward Snowden Please see also:

Posted in Contradictions of U.S. Imperium, corrupt elites, Cyberwarfare and Nuremberg Precedents, FALSE FLAG OPS, FASCISM AND IMPERIALISM, Full SPECTRA Dominance, IMPERIAL HUBRIS AND HYPOCRISY, Imperial Impotence, Information Clearing House, International Law and Nuremberg Precedents, MSM MANIPULATION, nuremberg precedents, Panopticon Effect, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FASCISM, POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IMPERIALISM | Leave a comment