“Redskins”: The Origin of the Word and the Genocide Behind It.

“Redskins”: The Origin of the Word and Genocide Behind it

What is life?

Crowfoot, a Blackfoot warrior [defender] and orator, said it well……..

“What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.”

Life is beautiful, mysterious, filled with strength and challenges….life roars like the lion, but has the gentle touch of a beautiful woman. There are no blacks and whites in life. There are no guarantees. But this is the beauty of life.

The Mystery…..

© The Feral Cat 2003 http://w3.gorge.net/feralcat/Redskin.html and


Do you want to know the true meaning of redskin? The term used to refer to American Indians…the same one used by a national sports team….the same term that American Indians protest? It’s not about skin color. It’s about atrocities committed against this nation’s first people. So, if you are interested in truth….you’ll take the time to listen.
The time it takes to download, depends upon your internet connection. It will be a longer wait for dialup – but if you really want to learn truth, you’ll take the time to listen.
It is a short time to wait, for a valuable lesson in truth-the real truth. Is 8-10 minutes too long of a time to wait, to learn the truth?
The voice you hear is Rev. Goat Carson….his ballad will teach you the truth about what redskin really means. If you dare to listen to truth. Dare to listen!  
Hanged at Nuremberg, Julius Streicher was convicted as a propagandist of Nazism fomenting racist and anti-Semitic images that made genocide easier to conduct, cover-up, rationalize and participate in.

Hanged at Nuremberg by the Allies, , setting precedent in international law binding on the prosecuting nations also , Julius Streicher was convicted as a propagandist of Nazism fomenting racist and anti-Semitic images that made genocide easier to conduct, cover-up, rationalize, euphemize, gain mass acceptance for and participate in.


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LYRICS TO “REDSKINS” by Reverend Goat Carson
“REDSKINS” by Reverend Goat Carson (1999)———————————-
—– A lot of people don’t understand, they keep saying, “Goat, why are you guys so sensitive, about the, like, Washington Redskins?”And, well, the story of that word “Redskins,” that title, what that means, is such a sad, is such a heavy story, I said, well I must relay it, but I gotta balance it.
And I’ve been thinking about my mama quite a lot lately, and so I decided I’d just balance it out with her very favorite song. So here it is, the story of Redskins and mama’s favorite song.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make my happy, when skies are blue never knowing how much I love you please don’t take my sunshine away.
Well you know the story of Andy Jackson and his Indian Fighters. Now Jackson devised the Indian Removal Act, but his Indian Fighters had a very peculiar preoccupation, and that was skinning the Indians on the battlefield. They used to make pants, they’d be able to take an Indian and skin him from the hip down and make themselves a pair of pants, or they take, turn him over, start two strips, you know, from his neck all the way down to his heel, and that’d be reins for their bridle. This was of course to strike terror into people’s hearts [“Shock n Awe”], but it sort of became a joke. And hence the phrase “Redskins.
“The other night while I lay sleeping, dreamed I held you in my arms. Woke this morning, I was mistaken, you know I hung my head and cried.
Well after making bounties on the Indians in all states, which made it legal to hunt them basically, a source of income, the skins then became more and more of a novelty, quite collectible by the wealthy Easterners. And the fascination got to such a terrifying point that by the time of the Sand Creek Massacre, in which the calvary massacred an encampment of Indians who were flying the American flag, and they were right where they were supposed to be on the reservation, and the army surrounded them anyhow and cut them all down. It was mostly old folks, women and children, and so it wasn’t much of a battle. And of the 600 people that were killed that day, eyewitnesses report not a single body survived mutilation. Women’s genitalias was cut and turned into hatbands, their breasts into tobacco pouches, the same thing with the men’s testicles, even the babies were skinned, the little boys and girls.
My sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey Never noticed how much I love you please don’t take my sunshine away
So back in the day calling an Indian a “Redskin” was like calling an aligator a purse, and considering the genocide policy of the government of the United States a team like the Washington Redskins is kind of like a team called the Auschwitz Lampskins
Ain’t she sweet, just a-coming down the street, Now I ask you very confidentially, Ain’t she sweet Ain’t she now Look her over once or twice Ask you very confidentially Ain’t she now Just cast an eye in her direction oh me oh my Ain’t that perfection I repeat don’t you think she’s kinda neat ask you very confidentially, Ain’t she sweet

See Nuremberg precedent in the case of Julius Streicher hanged for fomenting a climate (images, newspapers, music, film, etc) of vile anti-Semitism and racism that made genocide easier to conduct, cover-up, gain some mass acceptance of and even participate in. Demonization via false comparison is an old tactic refined by the likes of Streicher and has the same intention of demonization and marginalization with false and defamatory equivalences. Geronimo was never a once-collaborator with nor ever praised by the very forces that later hunted him down.

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Imagine Osama bin Laden in the Inaugural parade of Reagan? Geronimo was put in the parade by T Roosevelt, a vile racist and eugenicist, to show the "savage" has been conquered along with "The West"

Imagine Osama bin Laden in the Inaugural parade of Reagan? Geronimo was put in the parade by Teddy Roosevelt, a vile racist, imperialist, anti-Semite, war monger, white supremacist and a leader of the eugenics movement that inspired the Nazi laws and policies, to show the “savage” Geronimo has been conquered along with “The West” This comparison is vile and racist and the kind Streicher was hanged for at Nuremberg.



wealth-buys-power-and-vice-versa/ http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?

storyId=101626709 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/20/us/20geronimo.html?_r=0



nature-and-foundations-of-anglo-american-imperiums/ http://sttpml.org/the-horrifying-


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