First Nations Education Act: Genocide in Indian Country

Subject: First Nations Education Act
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 08:11:38 -0600

Dear Ms. Galloway:

I read your recent article regarding the education of First Nations and Aboriginal people; this government is so out of touch that I believe they can’t understand the mechanics of what the situation is.

Firstly, Harper believes he is on track by hob-knobbing with Atleo and Weaselhead; Atleo has no idea about treaties due to the fact he is an Indian Act Indian,
Weaselhead has never gone to a post secondary institution and is functionally illiterate.

The AFN is an extension of the Aboriginal Affairs Canada branch, they receive
funds to operate and therefore do as they are told. This scenario very dangerous
for the Aboriginal People of Canada, in 1969 Jean Chretien developed the White
Paper and was going to follow Uncle Sam’s policy and implement the Indian Reorganization Act and annihilate all Reservations across the country.

However, due to the fact that Harold Cardinal was not an Indian Act Chief, Cardinal represented an organization called the Indian Association of Alberta. This
organization was a grass root organization, majority representation was grass root Aboriginal people, there were some Indian Act Chiefs who were members. This organization successfully opposed the White Paper of ’69. Shortly thereafter Indian Association of Alberta became defunct and in its place the Chiefs took over. Since
then issues affecting Aboriginal People are defunct, nobody openly opposes Government, our own representatives are selling us out.

In 1984 the Supreme Court of Canada handed down a decision affirming that a “Fiduciary Trust” exists between the Queen(Canada) and an ordinary Indian, not a Chief, AFN or Blood Tribe. Therefore Harper is implementing genocidal policies by handpicking and manipulating these two knuckleheads, who have no idea about the relationship that was affirmed in the highest Court of Canada.

By Law Canada is legally obligated to fund education through the Canada Act of
1982, formerly the B.N.A. act of 1867; plus the Treaties affirm that the Queen
(Canada) has to provide financial support, now affirmed in the Canada Act of 1982, sections 25 and 35. (1) The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed.

In 2012, I believe Canada spent over $300 million dollars opposing Aboriginal people, Harper’s genocidal policies are alive and well, this is another example of the implementation of Genocide.

Members of our Tribe are so fed up with the current ineptness and docile representation that we are contemplating seeking independence from this current regime and Canada. The Indian Act, section 17 (b) allows us to seek independence.
Our Elders have advised us to seek ways to become independent from this regime,
also we do have the Lame Bull treaty of 1855, a treaty we signed with the United States, currently, we are reviewing our options.

Again, we have no access to finances, just recently a court case occurred between a non-tribal farmer and the Reservation. According to the transcripts at the Federal Court, this current Chief and Council affirmed and stood by the principle that Blood Indians have no rights. The lawyer JoAnn Crook, adamantly affirmed this decision, and a group of us had to picky back and advise the non-tribal member on how to address this issue. In turn the non-tribal farmer won, and the Chief and Council
defied the Court order and refused to follow the Court order.

In fact the Blood Tribe Land Manager(Elliot Fox); we believe is stealing funds from non-tribal farmers, copies of cancelled cheques were made available to us from the Lands department, Chief Charles Weasel Head and his Council, Darlene Plume,
Senior Executive Officer – Blood Tribe Administration are all aware of this
situation, they condone this and were advised that Chief and Council, Darlene
Plume are receiving kickbacks through the Lands Manager. The Investigations and Allegations branch of Aboriginal Affairs Canada are very much aware of this, copies were sent and they acknowledged receiving them.

Keith Chiefmoon
Standoff, Alberta

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