Corruption Always Used as an Instrument of Genocide

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Dear Ms.Hunter:
I am sending you page 37 and other pages of interest of the Blood Tribe Administration audited statement; this Chief and Council do not submit reports to its membership for all the travel they do. It is believed most of the trips are to Las Vegas, Nevada. For instance, Frank Black Plume and Aloysius Black Water spent over $94,000 on travel of which the Tribe has no knowledge of what these trips were for?
This Chief and Council do not provide written reports or have Tribal meetings; a court ordered meeting was called for last spring (2014) this Chief and Council ignored the court order and they spent over $1,000,000 on legal fees of which no reports to the membership or tribal members have ever been provided
The Chief and Council are operating on a deficit spending, it is rumoured they don’t understand the jargon of financial audited reports and continue to spend, spend, spend; the Tribe is undergoing a forensic audit through I believe its KPMG out of Lethbridge, Alberta; members of the community have no faith in this exercise, they believe these auditors will cover the corruption of this Chief and Council
Keith Chiefmoon
Blood Indian Reserve #148
Standoff, AB
I think this is the link to the Blood Tribe audited report for fiscal year 2014

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