What Does that Oath [to the Crown] Really Mean?

From the Eagle Watch
November 6, 2013

What Does that Oath Really Mean??

It is often hard to understand the thinking of another human being. 
Sometimes it is because the other person's thinking and reasoning
processes don't work the way ours do. It doesn't seem like the  
other person is reasonable. They may have their facts wrong. Yet
to that person, he/she is doing the right thing. Most of us think
we are doing the right thing most of the time. We like to think 
our intentions are good even when the outcome is not.

Sometimes we are in a position to make decisions on behalf of 
other people. Getting into that position can take a lot of 
jockeying and strategizing even to the point of pretense, guile 
and outright lies. We all make compromises to put food on the 
table for our children.

While examining some of the treaties, in particular the Canadian 
numbered treaties, (most of which were designed by lawyer and 
land-speculator, Alexander Morris of Perth, Upper Canada,) we 
became aware that the band chiefs and councilors take an oath 
to the Crown just like any MP, MPP, MLA, Senator, Mayor or other 
Canadian official.

"And the undersigned Chiefs, on their own behalf and on 
behalf of all other Indians inhabiting the tract within ceded, 
do hereby solemnly promise and engage to strictly observe this 
treaty, and also to conduct and behave themselves as good and 
loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen."

Of course, Indigenous understanding of the Treaties is often 
counter to what the English wrote down. While the treaties 
state that we, "cede, release, surrender and yield up" our land, 
it has never been our understanding that this is what we 
negotiated. We agreed to share our land with the newcomers.

Another question can be asked, "How is it that the treaties made 
us good and loyal subjects of [the Crown]?? How did that happen?

The answer is quite simple: because the Crown said so 
AND because we continue to follow along with this lie. It's not 
the only one, there are many lies that were told and lived by. 
Nobody seems to want to get up and denounce the lies. It's like 
an elephant in the room. Let's all pretend it isn't there.

Lawyers, judges, cops and soldiers also take this oath to the 
Crown. It is an oath of allegiance, loyalty, and requires 
one to swear on the Bible. Sometimes, this oath includes 
secrecy as with spies and "Persons Permanently Bound to Secrecy".

Where does Your Loyalty Lie??

This brings us to the uncomfortable topic of just who is the 
Chief loyal to? Just whose interests does he defend and advocate?
Presumably, the people he is chief of, are his relatives. 
They are supposed to be his #1 concern yet he is also bound by 
this oath.

You could quickly point out that all he has to do is pretend 
loyalty to the Crown. It isn't that simple. Taking an oath is 
serious business. It does something to your mind. You think you 
can live your life in 2 worlds, one foot in each world. However, 
at some point, you are tipped onto one side. Do you even know 
which side you are on??

There is a saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." So, 
exactly, how does it feel to be the recipient and administrator 
of band funds? Do you say, "Thank you" for something that is 
already rightfully yours? Do you say "thank you" when the funds 
are not nearly enuf to complete and/or repair houses and 
infrastructure in your community? Do you smile when you say 
thank you to Indian Affairs, now Aboriginal Affairs??

Walk a Mile in My Moccasins

These chiefs are under a lot of pressure, from within, from 
their people who are often in dire straits and from without, 
agents, pedlars, profiteers and well intentioned but deluded 
individuals and racketeers. Many of our communities sit on 
top of valuable mineral wealth while others are neighbour 
to horrificly toxic wastelands.

Sometimes our decisions are desperate and made under duress. 
Do wehave to state that we all make mistakes? Here at the Eagle 
Watch, we know that we are wielding a dangerous weapon, Words. 
Our goal is to get at the Truth. Truth is powerful. It's evident 
to us that to solve a problem we must first identify the problem. So we use words to cut to the Truth. Sometimes we cut very deep, 
some would say too deep in our eagerness.

It has come to our attention that one or two chiefs were so 
offended by some of our comments that they have instructed their 
communities not to read the Eagle Watch. As wordsmiths, we would 
quickly identify this as censorship. It causes us considerable 

When obstacles come from without, we feel like rising to deal 
with them. When obstacles come from within, our hearts sink.

It's just fine with us if you don't want to read Kittoh's 
missives and analyses. However, it's not o.k. when people are 
denied the information that may support dissent. It has always 
been our understanding that true democracy is about the best 
solution for the greatest number of people. 

Expressing opposing views is a method for reaching such solutions.The internet is a great medium for doing this in real time.

We invite your comments as always, especially if you think we are
mistaken. We'd like to know how pervasive such censorship/control of information is in your communities.


Comment from Jim Craven/Omahkohkiaaiipooyii:

According to Article 29 of the Vienna Convention on Treaties, 
the definitive international law on treaties according to both
the U.Sand Canadian Supreme Courts, treaties are covenants 
between sovereign nations and their governments, and each 
treating partner, in undertaking a treaty, is recognizing the 
sovereignty, standing, authority, and system of government that 
produced the standing and authority of the other treating partner to hold and bind its own citizens to the terms of the treaty and 
to enter the terms of the treaty into the corpus of law of 
each treating partner.

Since it takes a sovereign government of a nation to form 
and sign a treaty, it also takes the same to keep the terms 
of the treaty long after it has been signed. It would thus 
be illogical and oxymoronic for any nation to undertake any 
treaty the terms of which would be to abolish the nation and 
its government that signed the treaty and whose continued 
existence is required to administer and keep the terms of 
the treaty. 


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