Author Archives: lookinghawk

Nice Day for a Genocide: Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders

 These quotes about Indians from American leaders span from the 1750s to 1817. CTMN Staff 7/10/13 Please Visit Our Relatives @ Refference:

Posted in ANGLO-AMERICAN GENOCIDE, Imperialism and Colonialism, Indigenous Peoples and Genocida, Indigenous Peoples and Genocide | Leave a comment

The Things They Said… With Intent to do.

The extinction or assimilation of tribal people has been predicted for over 500 years. The extinction or assimilation of tribal people has been predicted for over 500 years.

Posted in ANGLO-AMERICAN GENOCIDE, Imperialism and Colonialism, Indigenous Peoples and Genocide | Leave a comment

This day in history: July 1, 1967

On Canada’s 100th birthday, Chief Dan George silenced a crowd of 32,000 with his ‘Lament for Confederation’ at Empire Stadium.     Please also see “The Soul of the Indian” by Ohiyessa The_soul_of_the_Indian and Indigenous Epistemology and Scientific Method pdf and Apology Not Acceptedpdf … Continue reading

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Monsanto + Dow Chemical + US Government = Agent Orange, Blue, Red, White…

Brought to you by Monsanto and Dow Chemical. It created a massive pay day for Monsanto and Dow. An estimated 19 million gallons (seems low) of highly toxic herbicides were sprayed on forest and farmland occupied by millions of people. … Continue reading

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Political Prisoners In The US Prison System – Leonard Peltier

There are political prisoners in the US prison system. In this video we explore one of those political prisoners. A leader of the American Indian Movement, Leonard Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences in federal prison for “aiding and … Continue reading

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YES OBAMA IS A TERRORIST! (other sources state)

STTPML Commentary: Some of us at STTPML are veterans of the U.S. Air Force and/or commercial pilots who flew in the old days when we had only ADF and primitive VOR to navigate over long distances. We know, for example, … Continue reading

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The Truth About Boko Haram & #BringBackOurGirls

The Obama administration was responsible for the spread of Al-Qaeda throughout Africa which led to the rise of Boko Harem, the terrorist group responsible for the kidnap of over 200 schoolgirls. SOURCES Unsecured Libyan Weapons Went to Boko Haram – … Continue reading

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