Corruption Always Used as an Instrument of Genocide

canadian genocide 261551_10151204035313071_1694923474_n
Dear Ms.Hunter:
I am sending you page 37 and other pages of interest of the Blood Tribe Administration audited statement; this Chief and Council do not submit reports to its membership for all the travel they do. It is believed most of the trips are to Las Vegas, Nevada. For instance, Frank Black Plume and Aloysius Black Water spent over $94,000 on travel of which the Tribe has no knowledge of what these trips were for?
This Chief and Council do not provide written reports or have Tribal meetings; a court ordered meeting was called for last spring (2014) this Chief and Council ignored the court order and they spent over $1,000,000 on legal fees of which no reports to the membership or tribal members have ever been provided
The Chief and Council are operating on a deficit spending, it is rumoured they don’t understand the jargon of financial audited reports and continue to spend, spend, spend; the Tribe is undergoing a forensic audit through I believe its KPMG out of Lethbridge, Alberta; members of the community have no faith in this exercise, they believe these auditors will cover the corruption of this Chief and Council
Keith Chiefmoon
Blood Indian Reserve #148
Standoff, AB
I think this is the link to the Blood Tribe audited report for fiscal year 2014

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Commentary re Truth & Reconciliation Commission Wrap Up


From the Eagle Watch
June 5, 2015

Commentary re Truth & Reconciliation Commission Wrap Up

This week, everyone is going on about the Truth & Reconciliation
Commission and Canada’s disgusting legacy of the Indian Residential
Schools.  Most Canadians knew nothing about it until now.  So the
revelations which were mainly driven by the survivors themselves, are a
good thing.  However, at the same time, there is clear resistance in
church & state.

The current outpouring of tears is an exercise in emotion for both the
angry and the guilty, especially the guilty.  It’s a self indulgence after
which everyone can dry their eyes and forget about it.

One thing that is glaringly missing from all the write ups is the reason
why.  Canadians must be asking, “but why was this done?  It couldn’t have
been that bad cause Canadians are good people and we just wouldn’t do such
a thing.  It must’ve been a mistake, must be over-stated.  Just a few bad
apples and now a big scandal”.
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Residential Schools and Child Welfare Brandon experiments exposed: Residential school kids ESP test subjects in ’40s [and beyond]

From the Eagle Watch
May 4, 2015

FYI  This article is from January.

Residential Schools and Child Welfare
Brandon experiments exposed: Residential school kids ESP test subjects in
January 12, 2015
By: Alexandra Paul | Winnipeg Free Press

Children at the Brandon Indian Residential School were test subjects of extra-sensory-perception experiments during the Second World War, states a science journal recovered from a university archive.

The article, ESP Tests with American Indian Children published in the Journal of Parapsychology, is believed to be the first hard evidence science experiments were conducted on residential school children in Manitoba.

It was published in 1943 by a scientist named A.A. Foster, and its existence adds to a growing body of knowledge to show science experiments were regularly conducted in the 1940s and 1950s on children at residential schools, with the permission of federal officials.
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UN Urged To Declare Canada’s Treatment Of Aboriginals ‘Genocide’

UN Urged To Declare Canada’s Treatment Of Aboriginals ‘Genocide’

UN Urged To Declare Canada’s Treatment Of Aboriginals ‘Genocide’


Cree students at the Anglican-run Lac la Ronge Mission School in Saskatchewan in 1945. (Archives and Library of Canada.) | Library and Archives of Canada.

A fresh campaign is underway to push the United Nations to label Canada’s treatment of First Nations people “genocide.”

On Monday, former National Chief Phil Fontaine, elder Fred Kelly, businessman Dr. Michael Dan and human rights activist Bernie Farber sent a letter to James Anaya, UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, arguing that several specific crimes against aboriginal people in Canada qualify as genocide under the post-Second World War Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG)

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US Police to Be Allowed to Operate in Canada?

US Police to Be Allowed to Operate in Canada?

Armed U.S agents will be able to use their guns while operating on Canadian soil while being immune from Canadian law.

Is This What You Want Canada?!? Pay Attention!! Armed American agents to have immunity from our Canadian laws when working in Canada? > -Toronto Star

The Harper conservative government could allow armed U.S agents in Canada to be able to use deadly force but not be held accountable under Canadian law. This means they could not be held accountable for potential criminal acts on Canadian soil. Considering U.S police conduct of late, is this a good move? The deal hasn’t been ratified yet.. Should it be?

Our own police sometimes have trouble following our laws, Imagine what could happen if we allow armed American agents to operate in Canada while exempt from our laws! Share this! then contact your local MP, write your editor, tools to do so are attached below.

Armed US agents could have immunity from prosecution when working in Canada > -Toronto Star

The Toronto Star writes: “Armed U.S. border guards could soon be posted to Union Station — and if they ever use their guns, they may not be held accountable in a Canadian court.”
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B.C. First Nations can sue over property rights, court rules

B.C. First Nations can sue over property rights, court rules

Appeal court allows lawsuits without previous proof of land rights in ‘significant’ decision

The Canadian Press Posted: Apr 16, 2015 12:45 PM PT Last Updated: Apr 16, 2015 1:05 PM PT

The Nechako river, in the heart of the nation's traditional territory, was severely affected when the Kenney dam was built to power Rio Tinto's smelter in Kitimat.

The Nechako river, in the heart of the nation’s traditional territory, was severely affected when the Kenney dam was built to power Rio Tinto’s smelter in Kitimat. (CBC)

Industrial giants, from forestry companies to mining operations, must respect aboriginal territorial claims in British Columbia just as they would heed the rights of any other Canadian landowner, the province’s highest court has ruled.

A decision from the B.C. Court of Appeal paves the way for First Nations to launch lawsuits to protect their territory from private parties, even without proving aboriginal title. Two northwestern First Nations expressed vindication on Wednesday after a panel of three judges overturned a lower court ruling that denied them opportunity to sue the aluminum producer Rio Tinto Alcan.

The Saik’uz and Stellat’en First Nations, based downstream of the company’s Kenney hydroelectric dam and reservoir, were refused a trial on the premise that aboriginals must first establish their title. Their initial suit was mounted in September 2011.

The nations contend the dam, in operation since the 1950s, causes nuisance and breaches their rights to the natural waterway that runs through their land. They’re seeking damages for property-rights violations, alleging the electricity generator has harmed the Nechako River system and its fisheries.

Equality before the law

The decision means they can now take their claims to trial.

“We are pleased that the Court of Appeal recognized that First Nations’ aboriginal title exists, prior to proof in court or treaties with government,”Stellat’en Chief Archie Patrick said in a news release.

He said the decision grants Aboriginal Peoples the same private-law protections as other individual landowners.
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A National Monument reveals sad legacy in Canadian history

A National Monument reveals sad legacy in Canadian history

Mon, Apr 13 : An extraordinary art project showcasing the neglected artifacts from the now closed schools is unveiled in Calgary. The Witness Blanket is proof of the atrocities suffered by 10’s of thousands of First Nation children.
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IMAGINE | Welcome to the Blog of Jim Craven





From “The Pikunii Sun” Vol 1 No. 2 Newspaper of Pikunii (Blackfoot People) and other interested persons. Also printed in “The Eastern Door” a newspaper of the Mohawk Nation of Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada



There is a great deal of sensitivity to one of the most notorious of the many Holocausts humankind has suffered: the Nazi Holocaust against Jews, Gypsies and others. Movies like Schindler’s List are a constant reminder of massive suffering that must never be forgotten and historical lessons that must be learned. Most believe that something like the Holocaust of the Nazis against Jews or Gypsies or other victims targeted by the Nazis could never happen here in America or in Canada.

Imagine that something like what happened to Jews in Germany happened in America or Canada. Imagine that Jewish children were forced to repeat Christian prayers and were beaten or even murdered if they spoke or prayed in Hebrew or Yiddish and spoke or prayed Jewish prayers. Imagine if Jewish children were forced to eat pork that was not only forbidden for religious reasons but was also rotten, insect-infested and of the lowest quality so that many children could be “fed” cheaply and very profitably.
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Maher: It’s getting harder to ignore Canada’s genocide

Maher: It’s getting harder to ignore Canada’s genocide

Members of the band, A Tribe Called Red, celebrate their Juno win for Breakthough Group of the Year in Winnipeg  on March 30, 2014.
Members of the band, A Tribe Called Red, celebrate their Juno win for Breakthough Group of the Year in Winnipeg on March 30, 2014. Photo: The Canadian Press/ Jonathan Hayward/Files

Published: September 19, 2014, 5:47 pm

The (really good) hip hop trio A Tribe Called Red announced Friday that it won’t play a free concert to celebrate the opening of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg on Saturday night because the museum won’t acknowledge that aboriginals were the victims of genocide.

“Until this is rectified, we’ll support the museum from a distance,” said the band.

Aboriginal spiritual leaders blessed the opening of the beautiful new museum, but other aboriginals were outside, protesting, as politicians gave speeches taking credit for the $351 million project.
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How Canada gets people tortured: Reviewing Mohamedou Slahi’s Guantanamo Diary]

[eaglewatch] [Fwd: How Canada gets people tortured: Reviewing Mohamedou Slahi’s  Guantanamo Diary]

From the Eagle Watch
March 25, 2015


—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: How Canada gets people tortured: Reviewing Mohamedou Slahi’s
Guantanamo Diary
From:    “TASC” <>
Date:    Wed, March 25, 2015 10:04 am

How Canada gets people tortured
Book Review
Matthew Behrens
MARCH 20, 2015

Screenshot from a short film about Guantánamo Diary (see
Guantanamo Diary
By Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Little, Brown and Company (2015), 432 pages, $32 (hardcover)

Reviewed by Matthew Behrens, co-ordinator of Stop Canadian Involvement in

Following December’s release of the U.S. Senate report on American complicity in torture, Prime Minister Stephen Harper quickly declared, “It has nothing to do whatsoever with the government of Canada.” Despite the CIA’s close relationship with Canadian state security agencies, as well as two judicial inquiries finding Ottawa complicit in the torture of Canadian citizens in Syria and Egypt, Harper preferred to ignore the facts.

At about the same time, a stunning memoir was published that paints another damning portrait of Canadian authorities from even before September 11, 2001. Guantanamo Diary was originally composed by hand in 2005 from a cell at the infamous U.S. torture camp, which remains open despite President Obama’s promise to close it eight years ago. It tells the remarkable story of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian national who remains detained there despite a 2010 U.S. release order.
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