Florida DEP employees ordered to not speak of “climate change”

Florida DEP employees ordered to not speak of “climate change”

images“Officials with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the agency in charge of setting conservation policy and enforcing environmental laws in the state, issued directives in 2011 barring thousands of employees from using the phrases ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming,’ according to a bombshell report by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting (FCIR). The report ties the alleged policy, which is described as ‘unwritten,’ to the election of Republican governor Rick Scott and his appointment of a new department director that year. … The instruction not to refer to ‘climate change’ came from agency supervisors as well as lawyers, according to the report. ‘We were told not to use the terms “climate change”, “global warming” or “sustainability,”‘ the report quotes Christopher Byrd, who was an attorney with the DEP’s Office of General Counsel in Tallahassee from 2008 to 2013, as saying. ‘That message was communicated to me and my colleagues by our superiors in the Office of General Counsel.’ … (continue reading)

Photo: Gov. Rick Scott plays politics with science 

THE Ave Challenge: Where is this billboard honoring KKK founder?

Pro-KKK Billboard Erected Near Pettus Bridge By Neo-Confederate GroupA. Selma, adjacent to the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge.

B. Charleston South Carolina, where principles of the KKK were written in a synagogue.

C. Louisville Kentucky, where Nathan Bedford Forrest began his career

D. Spokane Washington, home of the John Birch Society

E. Smithsonian Museum Civil War heritage exhibit.

'Well, this guy has obviously lost all his marbles.'

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