Category Archives: Uncategorized

Consortium News’ New ‘October Surprise’ Series

New ‘October Surprise’ Series The latest evidence of a history-changing Republican dirty trick in 1980 and its precursor in 1968. (For earlier articles about the October Surprise mystery, go to “Archives” at the Home Page and click on “October Surprise X-Files.”) … Continue reading

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1942 Nazi Propaganda Film “Secret Tibet”

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Some 9-11 Timelines and Facts 9/11 Facts  10-Page Timeline of 9/11 Facts From Major Media See an excellent two-page summary of the best of this 9/11 facts timeline To verify 9/11 timeline facts below, click on links to articles on major media websites Read excerpts from … Continue reading

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US Hegemony Timeline

“I think there is no real argument that the historical lesson for the United States in the 20th Century has been the need for continued strong American involvement. I’m one of those individuals who is looking at the emerging debate … Continue reading

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U.S. Post Watergate Investigations of Intelligence

  Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (“Church Committee”)   Rules and Authorizing ResolutionRules of Procedure and S. Res. 21, 94th Congress

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The Content of Standard Economics Courses

The Content of Standard Economics Courses Septtember 8, 2014 Economics textbooks are not only written for students. At two critical points in the history of economic thought textbooks have played significant roles in defining the field, not only for what … Continue reading

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Hitler Comparisons Shut Down Any Reasoned Discussions, Demonize All Those Who Challenge US Hegemony, to Ratchet Up Tensions…

Hitler Comparisons Shut Down Any Reasoned Discussions, Demonize All Those Who Challenge The US Hegemony, To Ratchet Up Tensions, … Post Categories: Canada Danny Schechter, ICH / The 4th Media News | Monday, September 8, 2014, 14:44 Beijing Bring Back … Continue reading

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