Anna Mae Pictou Aquash

The following audio is  said to be a very rare audio of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash; sent to us through It was said that this perhaps has not been heard by the public and was recorded just a few days before the death of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash by murder.


“I’m Indian all the way, and always will be. I’m not going to stop fighting until I die, and I hope I’m a good example of a human being and of my tribe.” – Anna Mae Aquash Annie Mae Aquash was a Mi’kmaq activist from Nova Scotia, Canada, who became a member of the American Indian Movement, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, United States during the mid-1970s Anna_Mae_Pictou-Aquash

In the past many years, the memory of Anna Mae Aquash has been minimized to that of a helpless woman who was murdered because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In reality, her murder is a part of a bigger picture, a ruthless campaign waged by the US who had uranium development and profits to gain. This resulted in the murder of at least 76 Indians in the districts of Pine Ridge, in the early 1970’s.

Anna Mae is remembered by her comrades for her kindness, her sweetness, and her fearlessness. Despite her small size, she was physically capable of taking on any man in a fight. She was also knew her guns, was an expert at handling them.

Like all the AIM’sters who were active in Pine Ridge, she knew the consequences of taking a stand, and she continued to do so, refusing to bow down and be a good little Indian. She made no compromises, and lived her life fully experiencing what few of us are brave enough to attain. True freedom. In September 1975, FBI agent David Price attempted to force her to sign an affidavit implicating Leonard Peltier for the murder of the 2 FBI agents.

After she refused to cooperate, Price promised her she would not live to see the new year. In order to protect herself, Anna Mae went underground, and she told many that the FBI had offered her money and immunity to turn against Leonard, but that she’d rather take her kind of freedom, then whatever they offered her.

Up until her death, it is a proven fact that she turned to AIM for protection, and had put her fears of the FBI in writing. When her body was discovered in February of 1976, law officials and FBI agents including David Price investigated the cause of her death. They cut off her hands for “fingerprint analysis”, and despite the visible bullet hole in the back of her head, they determined her cause of death to be from frostbite. They quickly arranged for her to be buried as a Jane Doe.

A second autopsy was ordered by the Wounded Knee Legal Offense Defense Committee, and Anna Mae’s family, when her identity was revealed by the FBI. Her body was re-dug up, and an independent pathologist discovered a gaping bullet wound in the back of her head. It was easy for him to locate and remove the .32 calibre bullet lodged her head.

NOTE: FBI agents also threatened Myrtle Poor-bear. They told her they’d cut off her hands like Anna Mae’s if she didn’t sign an affidavit implicating Leonard Peltier for murder of 2 FBI agents.

Jim Page’s Song for Anna Mae



In the Spirit of Crazy horse: Songs for Leonard Peltier (whole)

Also From Jim Page   for STTPML:

anglo-american-nazi-flag Heroes and Survivors


Skull and Bones brag about Puritan origins and genetics as if it were some kind of accomplishment and credential they had something to do with.

Skull and Bones brag about Puritan origins and genetics as if it were some kind of accomplishment and credential they had something to do with.




Hypocrisy Blog Banner final


Head Full of Pictures



Statue of torture-freedom

Something About Us





Whose World is This?



Hiroshima-Nagasaki Russian Roulette

 by Jim Page
They dropped the bomb in forty-five to end the world war
No one had ever seen such a terrible sight before
And the world watched with eyes wide to see where it would lead
as the politics of power passed around the seed
It was a time to remember that we never can forget
They were playin’ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Russian Roulette
they arose like the saviors of our modern human race
with radiation halos that hung above their face
with the key to the sure cure and treatment of our ills
a hot shot of cobalt and a pocket full of pills
speaking always of the enemy who lurked across the seas
while moving in among us like a carrier disease
down deep inside the bunkers of the concrete and lead
Einstein’s disciples working steadily ahead
building heavy metal power plants to fire the city lights
and all you hear is the underground, humming in the night
and the walls of tight security circle all around
where they spill out all the poison and they bury it in the ground
holed up in the harbors, hidden secretly away
the warheads and the submarines await to make their play
and the military masterminds improve on their designs
while the soldiers get all doped up and stumble through the lines
and the leaks in the water get carried by the tide
they call it National Security, I call it attempted homicide
governors and statesmen on congressional pay
quick to please the hand that feeds, careful what they say
they call out experts to assure us and to wave their magic wands
this is the power of the future, and the future marches on
and they gather up their favors and political gains
while the spills fill the rivers and settle in the plains
I know the minds behind them, they are riddled full of holes
they are not to be trusted with their hands at the controls
their eyesight is twisted with the glory of their careers
and the heaped praise of flattery is music to their ears
and to listen to them talk about how it hasn’t happened yet
is like playin’ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Russian Roulette
those who brought the deaths of millions, for it was their stock in trade
they are afflicted with the fallout that they themselves have made
they have sealed their own inevitable doom, and it will surely come
and not even the moons of Jupiter will be far enough away to run
when the world that they’ve assaulted begins to turn around
and the unavoidable gravity pulls them to the ground

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