UN Charter and Acts of War: Whether Overt, Clandestine, Covert, False-flag, Sanctions, Quarantines,, Embargoes, Regime Change or Social Systems Engineering Campaigns–All Acts of War Under International Law

UN Charter and Acts of War: Preemptive, Overt, Clandestine, Covert,  False-flag, Sanctions, Quarantines, Embargoes or Social Systems Engineering Campaigns All Acts of War please also see: https://sttpml.org/rule-of-law-or-of-the-ruthless-why-law-international-and-otherwise/ and https://sttpml.org/just-war-and-the-interrelated-predicates-and-precedents-of-nuremberg/ and https://sttpml.org/parts-i-and-ii-combined-breathtaking-hubris-and-hypocrisy-the-real-nature-and-foundations-of-anglo-american-imperiums/ PREAMBLE WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED to save succeeding … Continue reading UN Charter and Acts of War: Whether Overt, Clandestine, Covert, False-flag, Sanctions, Quarantines,, Embargoes, Regime Change or Social Systems Engineering Campaigns–All Acts of War Under International Law