Seasons Greetings and a Thank You to All our Readers

We at STTPML wish to extend Seasons Greetings and a Thank You! to the readers of this site. We know and appreciate that your time is precious; and when you take time to read an article, or an essay, or some graphics with data, especially if from an ideological perspective not your own, you are making a big sacrifice of your precious and scarce time. That is why we take great care in selecting articles for re-publication, or in the original essays and research we conduct, or in the questions we pose.

We focus in many of our essays, on whistle-blowers and those who have been deep on the inside of the institutions and issues we examine; and we publish essays from all perspectives, because our focus is on what they refer to in China as “shi shi qiu shi” or “Seek Truth From Facts”. We let the content of any piece speak for itself and  rise or fall on the quality of the evidence, reasoning, law, scientific method and intellectual honesty and courage embodied or not embodied  in the work being considered. We focus on what we consider to be the strategic or most critical issues, trends, power-structures, institutions, contradictions and evolutionary processes of our times. We do not just link to sources like Wikileaks, we read the materials that have been leaked and correlate/triangulate with other sources open, covert and leaked.

We also pose the “So What?” question in all of our work whether analytical or at the grass-roots levels on which we operate, correlate and triangulate all data and perspectives. We believe that the ultimate source and test of theory is concrete praxis and experience, that theory may illuminate and guide, only when it is constructed on solid scientific method, intellectual courage, intellectual honesty and in service to the real issues and needs of the many not the few. So we ask in all of our selections, as well as topics for our own research and education, “So What?” What does this matter to the real issues of our times? How do we show the linkages between the macro and the micro, between the elegant prose and the brutal realities at grass-roots levels,  and do so for a variety of people from diverse backgrounds?

For those from the intelligence services of various countries that we know read this site avidly, and some who do not want the debates we propose, or exposed what we expose, and try to shut the site down, we hope that although the topics of this site are not likely to bring any kind of pleasurable reading for the types of people these services typically seek to recruit, [we were all once inside the U.S. military and other establishments, we got educated by reality] we hope that their own reading will benefit from being exposed to some real history, issues, realities, documents, politics, economics, political economy and other disciplines and views that they for sure never got in their training, schooling or on-the-job mentoring in those intelligence services.

And yet we know from experience that once in awhile an Edward Snowden, a Daniel Ellsberg, a Sibel Edmonds, a Phillip Agee, a Mike Levine, a John Stockwell, a Ralph McGehee and so many others with basic consciences, senses of duty and honor, and unwillingness to violate their oaths,  qualities that psychopaths do not have,  slips into the system; but they only stay until they learn what and for whom that system is really about. Then they come out, with no motives, to lie, far more to lose than to gain by becoming whistle-blowers, and they lay out for the outside, what goes on on the inside. They lay out not what must be kept secret to protect sources and methods, and thus lives,  but what has been kept secret that would expose just how treacherous, psychopathic, treasonous, predatory, narcissistic,  and empty of any real quality or humanity, some of these “leaders”, managers, politicians, academics, military “heroes”, and functionaries, with big titles and often in the news,  really are–behind their masks and posturing. And we also have the insider accounts of those that remained all their lives and in retirement, true believers and true “Cold Warriors”. Their own accounts, and often contradictions and material omissions within them are often very revealing and probative.

What they do in secret, covert (hidden), clandestine (“plausible deniability”) and false flag (someone else blamed) acts of war in our name. What they keep secret is not secret for their victims; their victims all know what is being done to them and by what sources and methods; it is kept secret only from those in whose name they arrogate to speak and act–the American people. Fidel Castro and the intelligence service of Cuba all knew about the numerous assassination attempts against him, they knew all about the CIA-Mafia connection, only the American people, in whose name this was all being done, did not know. The Vietnamese knew well the forms of propaganda, covert-clandestine operations against them, what kinds of puppets regimes were being constructed at places like Michigan State University and imposed upon them to try to divide-to-rule, they knew about Agent Orange and its effects that are still being seen today, only the American people in whose name these crimes were being done did not know until the Pentagon Papers came out leaked by another whistle-blower, once a trusted insider Daniel Ellsberg, with a lot of blood on his hands.

For the true believers and functionaries of a broken and rotten system endangering this whole planet, the types with the mentalities exposed in the Stratfor memos and emails that were leaked, we hope that at least you might get exposed to some real history, some real economics, some real political economy, some real logic and reasoning, some real law, that you likely did not get in your formal studies and certainly did not get in the formal training you received at the various intelligence schools and programs you attended. Plus, as a bonus, you will see some original documents, such as the proposed false flag Operation North Woods documents from the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (, that reveal just how sick and twisted some of your most revered icons were or are; what they are capable of proposing and actually doing; how mediocre, frightened, callous and limited most of them really are or were.  They beg the question: “What kind of system allows, selects, seeks, places, promotes, covers-up and even facilitates and rewards these types of creatures at the highest levels of power?” Why does the U.S. Congress have an “approval rating” lower than some criminal under-bosses? How does the likes of a Petraeus manage to network and self-promote himself to CIA director while employing infantile tradecraft to hide his illicit relationship with another fellow climber and networker? These are not salacious issues, they are real issues that reveal a great deal about the real nature of various systems and who they really serve and do not serve.

Again, thanks to all our readers, no matter what their motives for coming to this site, thanks for being among those who care about the critical issues of our times and show it with the time commitments you make to read and consider the materials presented on this site and/or linked to at other sites. We publish in whole articles we select for re-blogging with links to the original sources because some of our readers cannot link to some of the original sources of the documents but for some reason can link to our site.

Finally, please excuse the rather primitive and frequent editorial corrections and additions and deletions as we all work with many duties and little time and do all of our own work and editing later reviewed and edited by others.

Seasons Greetings and a Big Thank Y0u To All Our Readers.!

The STTPML Collective

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